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02-06-2024 04:35
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 62
Online: 6 034


Football » English » Simulator Development Feedback

Enough with the constant passing at the worst time.

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First let me state.... I understand my squad are not the greatest, but it seems to me that crew have never played this game (in real life). A player with less intelligence is not likely to pass the ball, especially when they have space to dribble. In fact that generally is a sign of a young inexperienced player. I can't count the number of times that one of my better players pass the ball backward 20 yards into the a cluster of players when he had the cahance to turn and run with the ball.

Better yet is my player that is "designed" to be a striker deciding it better to pass than shoot. Again another hallmark of youthful inexperience is shooting at inopportune times. Not the other way around. I have player with 9 ball shooting who desires to pass rather than shoot. Why on earth would a player get to 8 balls on shooting if he prefers to be a set-up man?

Lastly, the core of my squad have been playing together for roughly 2 seasons and they seemingly are getting worse with regards to cohesion on the field. This seems strange to me and definately not a representation of real football.
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Re: Enough with the constant passing at the worst time.

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Lol everyones getting this problem...just wait and hope the new sim is decent enough.

Re: Enough with the constant passing at the worst time.

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Well if anyone came to Managerzone and stayed because it's "realistic" they're completely retarded. I've seen some of the most absurd tactics win games and play like Barcelona. Your average tactics 4-4-2, 4-3-3, 4-2-3-1 don't exist in this realm. Completely unreal game, but still good way to kill time.
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