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Sim reference matches

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We are finalising a Beta version for a Sim update and we are looking for reference matches.

The reference must be very specific, or they will not help the development.

We are need examples of the following:
1. "Number of scoring chances does not 'always' reflect the final score."
High number of scoring chances, low number of goals.
Scoring chances are more often 1 on 1 with the keeper, who makes the save.

For matches like this we need:
Match ID
Home chances/scored
Away chances/scored

Save 1 at 2 mins 11 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper
Save 2 at 4 mins 19 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper


2. "It is difficult to stop wing play, as wingers 'cannot' be tackled once they are running"
Wingers are too good?
For matches like this we need:
Match ID
Home chances/scored
Wings vs Short Passing or
Wings vs long Passing
Away chances/scored
AP of the attacking winger(s)
PI of the attacking winger(s)
BC of the attacking winger(s)
SP of the attacking winger(s)

Wing attack 1 at 1 mins 2 seconds, winger was tackled.
Wing attack 2 at 2 mins 12 seconds, winger crossed. Goal.
Wing attack 3 at 8 mins 21 seconds, winger crossed. Goal.
Wing attack 4 at 12 mins 33 seconds, winger crossed. No Goal.


3. "Low AP wingers still achieve too many successful crosses."
As above.

General bugs:
4. "My Player was not substituted, My defender ran off the pitch, etc"
Match ID
1 line description of the bug.
The bug occurred at 2 at 4 mins 19 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.

It is vital that we get the information in this format, it is the fastest way for us to compare real matches and to run 'what if x happened instead of y' analysis on the matches.

General comments on the Sim will not help in these cases.

If we get high quality reports, it will allow us to solve real bugs and to identify any imbalances in specific matches that can be removed in the next Sim.
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Re: Sim reference matches

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So where can we submit those reference matches? As a reply? To a certain e-mail address?

Re: Sim reference matches

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Anyway, in the category: "Number of scoring chances does not 'always' reflect the final score."

Match ID: 667896505
Home Chances: 32 / Scored: 2

Save 1 at 1 mins 54 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.
Save 2 at 5 mins 50 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.
Save 3 at 12 mins 13 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.
Save 4 at 14 mins 54 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.
Save 5 at 15 mins 46 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.
Save 6 at 34 mins 46 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.
Save 7 at 35 mins 54 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.
Save 8 at 45 mins 54 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.
Save 9 at 49 mins 06 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.
Save 10 at 52 mins 44 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.
Save 11 at 56 mins 36 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.
Save 12 at 57 mins 45 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.
Save 13 at 66 mins 20 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.
Save 14 at 71 mins 59 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.
Save 15 at 75 mins 28 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.
Save 16 at 75 mins 37 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.
Save 17 at 76 mins 42 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.
Save 18 at 77 mins 57 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.
Save 19 at 80 mins 51 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.
Save 20 at 81 mins 56 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.
Save 21 at 83 mins 02 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.
Save 22 at 85 mins 05 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.
Save 23 at 85 mins 15 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.
Save 24 at 90 mins 50 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper.

Re: Sim reference matches

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That is great, thank you.

Re: Sim reference matches

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You're very welcome.

Re: Sim reference matches

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"It is difficult to stop wing play, as wingers 'cannot' be tackled once they are running"

Match ID: 667896574
Home chances: 14 / Scored: 1
Wings vs short passing (I presume).

1 Winger
AP = 9
PI = 5
BC = 8
SP = 7

Wing attack 1 at 3 minutes 55 seconds. Winger crossed. No Goal.
Wing attack 2 at 6 minutes 06 seconds. Winger crossed. No Goal.
Wing attack 3 at 11 minutes 47 seconds. Winger crossed. No Goal.
Wing attack 4 at 18 minutes 01 seconds. Winger crossed. No Goal.
Wing attack 5 at 28 minutes 00 seconds. Winger crossed. No Goal.
Wing attack 6 at 35 minutes 49 seconds. Winger crossed. No Goal.
Wing attack 7 at 38 minutes 39 seconds. Winger crossed. No Goal.
Wing attack 8 at 42 minutes 02 seconds. Winger crossed. No Goal.
Wing attack 9 at 44 minutes 26 seconds. Winger crossed. No Goal.
Wing attack 10 at 46 minutes 07 seconds. Winger crossed. No Goal.
Wing attack 11 at 50 minutes 26 seconds. Winger crossed. No Goal.
Wing attack 12 at 54 minutes 45 seconds. Winger crossed. No Goal.
Wing attack 13 at 57 minutes 54 seconds. Winger crossed. Goal. (whiiiiiiii!...)
Wing attack 14 at 62 minutes 20 seconds. Winger was tackled.
Wing attack 15 at 76 minutes 56 seconds. Winger crossed. No Goal.
Wing attack 16 at 79 minutes 39 seconds. Winger crossed. No Goal.
Wing attack 17 at 85 minutes 09 seconds. Winger crossed. No Goal.

Re: Sim reference matches

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Combo situation

1. Number of scoring chances does not 'always' reflect the final score.
combined with alleged/rumored sim bug that
2. The team that receives a red card acquires advantage and wins the game no matter what.

Match ID: 680503881
Prized/Friendly Cup: LA BANDA DEL PARQUE
Date: 06-12-2013 00:00 (Greece time)

1. Home chances/scored: 30/0
Away chances/scored: 3/1
Possession: 50%/50%
combined with alleged/rumored sim bug
2. Away team receives a 2nd yellow (38') and wins the game despite 30-3 scoring chances against it

I have to leave home in 10 minutes so I don't have the time at the moment to go through the 33 chances one by one but you get the point.

Please check the specific match because it does seem a bit crazy even to my very sim-tolerant eyes :D


Re: Sim reference matches

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Hot from the press:

winger and striker:

1st minute: wingattack - normal shot - no goal (as expected)
3rd minute: wingattack - header of the post/bar - no goal
7th minute: wingattack - header of the post/bar - no goal
10th minute: my running winger gets stopped (so it's possible unlike staafkes statement
12th minute: wingattack - normal shot - corner
18th minute: wingattack - shot from winger - corner
22nd minute: wingattack - normal shot - no goal
24th minute: wingattack - header of the post/bar - no goal
25th minute: wingattack - header of the post/bar - no goal
28th minute: regular attack by opponent
32nd minute: regular attack through the middle - no goal
39th minute: regular attack by opponent
45th minute: wingattack - normal shot - no goal
48th minute: regular attack by opponent
49th minute: regular attack through the middle - no goal
51st minute: regular attack by opponent of the bar
55th minute: wingattack - normal shot - no goal
58th minute: regular attack by opponent - GOAAAAAL
64th minute: free kick to striker, normal shot - no goal
66th minute: wingattack - header of the post/bar - no goal
68th minute: wingattack - normal shot - no goal
70th minute: my running winger gets stopped
74th minute: regular attack by opponent
76th minute: regular attack through the middle - no goal
79th minute: wingattack - normal shot - no goal
80th minute: my running winger gets stopped
84th minute: wingattack - normal shot - no goal
85th minute: wingattack - header of the post/bar - no goal
87th minute: wingattack - header - no goal
89th minute: my running winger gets stopped
91st minute: my running winger gets stopped

So 20 chances for me, all 1vs1, via wing or through short passes and 6 of them went from the bar into the keepers hands... My winger is quite good but the opponent did manage to stop him... I find it hard to judge how overpowered the winger is, as mine is a pretty decent player... So is it overpowerment in general or the class of my player. Can'd decide.

I've never seen the substitution bug, so I can't comment on that one. I hope this is helpful


Re: Sim reference matches

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These help a lot, thank you.

Re: Sim reference matches

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This match. I would break down the match, but unfortunately there was something wrong every second of the match. The big constant issues are two attacking players standing on top of each other. That really should never happen. My center back running forward past the defensive mid right in front of him. That happen at least 10 times in this match. That should rarely happen and when it does... the other center back or fullback should cover (something that never happened in the match). Lastly is the passing in the box when a shot could have and should have been taken. Better yet the just straight back-pass from my forwards.

Without better movement and at least a teenager's level of player intelligence built into each player, this really is a worthless endeavor. Keepers too strong? Yes, but they have to be, because the defenders stink. Easy to exploit the wing tactic? Yes, because the defenders stink. In every situation, the main culprit is usually the lack of any defense.

I find it mind-boggling anyone thinks pointing normal situations as helpful, because unless one knows all the variables the 'this player vs that player' scenario, how can it be anything but a complaint. However, now you have my complaint!

Re: Sim reference matches

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adv41449 wrote:

I find it mind-boggling anyone thinks pointing normal situations as helpful, because unless one knows all the variables the 'this player vs that player' scenario, how can it be anything but a complaint. However, now you have my complaint!

This is a valid point... I do not know all of the qualities my opponents have so it's hard to form an opinion in how my players perform against my opponents', But I do know my playervalues, my position in the Dutch leagues vs my opponents', the quality of my striker...

Maybe, in the end, it's not a question of whether my striker should've scored or not... It's a question of the superhuman qualities of strikers and keepers vs. the lack of quality the defenders show. When I manage to create 20 chances, I think I should score at least one. But isn't the real problem, me creating 20 chances?

This might be, however, entirely offtopic...
Edited: 10-12-2013 11:18
Total edits: 1

Re: Sim reference matches

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Yes Arne, the problem is your ability to create 20 chances. Also, in my opinion, this shoudl be the real topic. We should be pointing out holilistic and systemic issues, which happen nearly every second of each simmed match. A great example is the lack horizontal movement from players without the ball. My favorite is nearly every division one and above club's formation. They are all sim exploits to one extent or another purely designed to create situations we are all bound to list on this thread.

Re: Sim reference matches

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Like only attacking down one side of the pitch with either short, long or wing tactics. Another favourite is when the central defender finds himself beyond the halfway line even playing balanced mentality, leaving a gaping hole in defence which high play intelligence defenders find no reason to cover. Leaving them without having great sideways movement or play apprehension no option except chasing a player running through with the ball after they have already past them. The problem is not so much the defender going on a run though, but the lack of cover when they choose to do so, like a sweeper or midfielder passed by the surging defender dropping back to plug the hole.

If it is to be realistic, the sim needs to give a stock standard 4-4-2 formation an ability to win at the highest level of competitive skill. What about having the option to combine all three passing styles into a single style, so that if you want to you can trust the players you have on the park to determine for themselves the best way forward utilising all their acquired skills at their disposal, rather than tactically specifying what they are to do and when, allow the player to express their computer generated personality. Call it 'free play'.

Re: Sim reference matches

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Make goalkeepers less good and make defenders smarter as mentioned as above. Like this you will get lesser chances, but more goals out of these chances.

Re: Sim reference matches

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Game 1

match id = 664121434

One sided wing attack versus the counter one sided short passing balanced normal tactic
Possession 38 - 62
Shots on target 10 - 10
Total shots 12 - 14
End score 1 - 1

This is what I do if an opponent can be predicted to run the above attacking formation. I managed to stop to winger from doing to much damage, but even such a lopsided possession count only made the game a close and even encounter. I don't enjoy watching games like this as to have a chance of winning

Game 2

match id = 664121428

Both sided short passing wing defense tactic vs (the same team and their attacking formation as the above game)

possession 50 - 50
shots on target 7 - 18
total shots 9 - 22
End score 0 - 4

I had my central defender get his second yellow card in the 62 minute and my team switched from a central run normal balanced short passing combination (with 10-15 bursts of attacking mentality), to a defensive long balls survival mode and actually managed to stop them from scoring anymore goals after the my player was sent off.

Game 3

An early form of my one sided short passing, normal, balanced tactic (only in this game the opponent switch his attack to the opposite side and my team was put horribly out of position on the wrong side of the field, though in all fairness I wouldn't of had much chance to win even if I had guessed correctly) versus Wing attack

match id = 664121392

Possesion 40 - 60
shots on target 6 - 19
total shots 9 - 30
end score 0 - 3

This is what happens when you guess the right side to have a chance of winning and it comes unstuck

Game 4

match id = 664121400

A random switching wing attack between left and right versus the same tactic I ran in game 2

Possession 41 - 59
Shots on Target 10 -10
Total Shots 15 - 13
End Score 1 - 2

When the opponent switches between both wings a balanced both sided defense works well, when a team goes completely one sided you have to do the same to have a chance of winning. At least that is what I have concluded from my own match observations in this my first season in the A-League. All these match are League games within the current season

Hope this helps, Cheers, Matt

Re: Sim reference matches

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Game 1 After 'to have a chance of winning', Add "you have to make a calculated guess", which Game 3 shows how it can all go wrong if you choose incorrectly

Game 2 should say my central midfeilder got his second yellow card

Re: Sim reference matches

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arnehaakl wrote:

10th minute: my running winger gets stopped (so it's possible unlike staafkes statement

I never stated it was impossible. I just copy/pasted Patrick's bug report title. And if you would have read my particular post you would have noticed my winger got stopped in the 62nd minute.

Re: Sim reference matches

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staafke wrote:
I never stated it was impossible. I just copy/pasted Patrick's bug report title. And if you would have read my particular post you would have noticed my winger got stopped in the 62nd minute.

Ah, excuus... I read it wrong.

Re: Sim reference matches

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Another thing that keeps bugging me is the bug where my defenders try to play tiki-taka amongst eachother, giving ample opportunities to my opponent to grab a stray pass or tackle my defenders and get a clear shot on goal.

Anyone else having this problem

Edited: 16-12-2013 16:20
Total edits: 2

Re: Sim reference matches

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arnehaakl wrote:
Another thing that keeps bugging me is the bug where my defenders try to play tiki-taka amongst eachother, giving ample opportunities to my opponent to grab a stray pass or tackle my defenders and get a clear shot on goal.

Anyone else having this problem

Yes, I've lost important matches because of this...
Something else mind boggling happened a few days ago: my striker was alone before goal and decided to pass over the ground all the way back to my left central defender, lol.

Re: Sim reference matches

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arnehaakl wrote:
Another thing that keeps bugging me is the bug where my defenders try to play tiki-taka amongst eachother, giving ample opportunities to my opponent to grab a stray pass or tackle my defenders and get a clear shot on goal.

Anyone else having this problem

Sorry arnehaakl. I show two edits on your post. Dumb mistake.

But to answer your question. Yes, it seems to happen at least once in every game, usually their first possession at the start of second half.

Re: Sim reference matches

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match ID:680406042

Again I am not going to break down each and every second, because each and every second there was something wrong. I have tried to list them below, but this is only the tip of the iceberg!
1-fullbacks don't do anything to help
2-no one ever moves to space for pass
3-players without ball only move vertically
4-the BACK-Passing!!!!
5-main cause for back passing; no dribbling to wide open spaces, fullbacks never open up for a pass, no horizontal move by the other players to create a passing opportunity.
6-center halves love to leave their position for possible tackling glory (or as I call it.....stupidity!)
These six simple things happened throughout the match and breaking down a match minute by minute to tell you that my 10 ball tackler should never miss a tackle or my 10 ball striker should always covert his chances, is utterly irrelevant if these simple..... simple facets of the game can't be corrected.

Re: Sim reference matches

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Totally agree with adv41449.
1)Stop the mid from passing to the forward that has 1 or 2 defenders on him but not pass to the 2 teammates on their own.
2)Stop the lofted ball forward to no one other than the opposition.
3)Stop the defenders from playing suicide football directly after halftime.
4)Stop the ridiculous back passing by forwards who are in goal scoring positions.
5)What's the point of free kicks ? Whoever takes it kicks it straight to the opposition, this is similar to goalkeepers why would they continually kick it to the opposition ?
6) This one is the worst how and why cant 2 striker against 1 keeper score ?
The above happens to both teams but this shouldn't make it fair, it shouldn't happen.

Re: Sim reference matches

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You AP for free kicka and goal kicka....

Re: Sim reference matches

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"Number of scoring chances does not 'always' reflect the final score."

Match ID 669868725
Home chances/scored FC Bloed Aan De Paal (BADP) 15 chances 2 goals scored
Away chances/scored FC Nieuwediep (FCN) 5 chances 2 goals scored

Save 1 at 3 mins 43 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper, FCN
Shot off target at 5 mins 18 seconds, Long range shot
Save 2 at 10 mins 42 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper FCN
Save 3 at 13 mins 36 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper FCN
Save 4 at 15 mins 53 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper FCN
Save 5 at 18 mins 25 seconds 1 vs 2 keeper FCN
Save 6 at 23 mins 22 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper FCN
Shot off target at 26 mins 10 seconds 1 vs 2, header
Save 7 at 28 mins 20 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper FCN
Shot off target at 29 mins 45 seconds, Long range shot
Save 8 at 32 mins 16 seconds, Long range shot, keeper FCN
Shot off target at 37 mins 35 seconds 1 vs 3, header
Save 9 at 44 mins 42 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper FCN
Save 1 at 51 mins 31 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper BADP
Goal 1 at 54 mins 45 seconds 1 vs 3 keeper BADP 0-1
Goal 2 at 59 mins 39 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper FCN 1-1
Save 10 at 62 mins 59 seconds 1 vs 1 long range shot, keeper FCN
Shot off target at 66 mins 12 seconds, Long range shot
Save 2 at 68 mins 02 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper BADP
Shot off target at 69 mins 18 seconds, Long range shot
Goal 3 at 71 mins 12 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper FCN 2-1
Save 11 at 76 mins 55 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper FCN
Shot off target at 79 mins 52 seconds, Long range shot
Shot off target at 81 mins 54 seconds, Long range shot
Goal 4 at 83 mins 33 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper BADP 2-2, long range shot
Save 12 at 87 mins 28 seconds 1 vs 1 keeper FCN

Re: Sim reference matches

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throw in should be improved...almost all the time the ball is delivered to the contrary, is very annoying.

Re: Sim reference matches

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SHOOT THE MOTHER ******* BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yes, I know about the foul language. However the whole of crew (well at least those working on the mechanics of the game) need.... let me repeat that.......... NEED to read over and over and over and over and over and... (you get the hint).. again.

deleted swear word and sent warning to user...dowopado
Edited: 15-01-2014 23:27
Total edits: 2

Re: Sim reference matches

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Allowing defenders to challenge a striker for the ball in the air would greatly reduce the effectiveness of wing play and mean heading for defenders actually meant something

Re: Sim reference matches

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It has been said before, but if you play a wider more even spread formation and your opponent goes one sided or straight down the middle with no width, even a wing attack. All of these formations leave gaping holes on the field which your team if playing a more evenly spread tactic should be able to find players occupying these spaces and be able to hold the ball and if intelligent and skillful enough keep finding other players in empty space as they make their way up the field. They may have to use all three passing styles to do so criss crossing the field of play as required, but they should be able to acheive it. Currently you can have games of 8 players vs 11 players because players in space never get used. Your team should be able in each game to adjust on the pitch in real time to an opponents formation and pass the ball to players in space, these players will need to have the ability to differ game to game even if the tactic you are using is the same depending on the tactic you are playing against.

Another thing, what about players making 45 and 90 degree runs with or without the ball instead of only forwards or backwards and having a full 360 degree levels of pitch awareness if intelligent enough.

Also what about goalkeepers throwing the ball and having the option of short and long passing, instead of the constant kick long and regather that currently exist.

Re: Sim reference matches

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Todays league game really highlights the discrepancy between short passing and wing play. My side has been trolled by wing play in the A-League this season, this type of result has occurred with regularity, but this is the most extreme case so far. How is it possible to get 65% of the possession and lose, it shouldn't happen.

This is the stats of my starting 11, with Dane Cowdell on wing defence

One sided wing tactic versus one sided short passing tactic, I haven't watched the game because I know what I'll see, so there is no point breaking it down for you. The wing defender did pretty good job as well, I just couldn't score.

The patch can not come soon enough, I have the chance to still get a playoff berth to remain in the A-League, but something needs to be done before next season or results like this will keep occurring. Currently if you don't play wings, you have no chance, if I had the players I would play wings. But I'm hoping that, some form of balance can be found to eradicate results like this one.

Match id=682627214

Possession - 35% - 65%
Total shots - 13 - 18
Shots on target - 11 - 16
Final score - 1 - 0

Re: Sim reference matches

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But games like these happens all the time in real life...

Re: Sim reference matches

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I agree that a factor of unpredictability needs to remain, just that it should not happen with such regularity as currently exists. For instance games of the reverse where a short passing tactic sims a wing tactic occur much less frequently, than wing tactic simming a short passing tactic. Also the decrepancy is confirmed as already existing, and the reason why the final patch is being implemented on the current sim of which this thread exist for examples to make the sim 3 better. So unlike the real world with its random game results, this is actually a flaw that can be corrected.
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