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02-06-2024 23:40
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 62
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New Year resolution: presents

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On behalf of me, I wish you all a Happy New Year!

Skill and knowhow can take you far. Visions can take you farther. Dare to be flexible. Think outside the box(play).

Why not make something special for the MZ-hockeyfans to celebrate the new year. People in high places might claim lack of time and resources. I call it lack of something else... It's so easy.

So I'm gonna give all you managers a present. Or two.

February 5th!

So to whoever might find this an interesting first early announcement, some key points to take home are; It's no longer 2003. And it's a manager game, know the audience.

/Demerzel, DZ Blue
Happy New Year
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Re: New Year resolution: presents

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Re: New Year resolution: presents

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Lost in translation

Re: New Year resolution: presents

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Not sure but I guess demerzel is talking about a new present to us all, maybe demerzel's MZ Hockey Value v2.2 ?

Sv: New Year resolution: presents

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mattsadler / karmakaze wrote:

Yes, a tough question. Very flexible. Have to go with "!" to both of you.

What it's about is I'm gonna make (or perhaps I already have done, who knows...) nice new shiny stuff for MZ-Hockey managers, and I'm gonna release it on february 5th. I like that day so I choose it.

/Demerzel, DZ Blue

Re: New Year resolution: presents

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Lets see if we can clear this up shall we?

Skill and knowhow can take you far. Visions can take you farther. Dare to be flexible. Think outside the box(play).
- erm... this is hockey so visions obviously induced by too many pharmacutical products partaken over festive period

Why not make something special for the MZ-hockeyfans to celebrate the new year. People in high places might claim lack of time and resources. I call it lack of something else... It's so easy.
- hes run out and needs to go get more

February 5th!
- when hes due in detox

So I'm gonna give all you managers a present. Or two.
- now he thinks hes santa

So to whoever might find this an interesting first early announcement, some key points to take home are; It's no longer 2003. And it's a manager game, know the audience.
- hes just got out his time tub machine and realised the audience in hockey are cardboard cutouts that wave about a bit.

Conclusion - I want some of what hes on!!

Re: New Year resolution: presents

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Sv: New Year resolution: presents

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Ohmygod yib! You took the blue pill didn't you? I'm sorry man, I really am.

/Demerzel, DZ Blue

Re: New Year resolution: presents

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Hope you got a proper Sim.. Maybe one that can actually make a match realistic and results that work!!

Re: New Year resolution: presents

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For the last day of presents.. i hope they release the U-21 National Cup.... come on guys! Not another season wasted :(

Re: New Year resolution: presents

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So... the presents are delayed? ;)
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