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03-06-2024 06:11
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 63
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Hockey » English » ManagerZone talk

Transfer market and work permits

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Great idea its just a shame the residency has only just started for all players. Anybody else liking the idea?
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Re: Transfer market and work permits

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i don't like it and i don't hate it; i'm more curious about the red text at the bottom - something about less money if the club isn't active (what active means?)

Re: Transfer market and work permits

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i agree with romanasu, i really dont feel it was such a neccessary change because i mean if you are allowed to have up to 11 foreign players (with a permit) for a 21 player tactic, why have any sort of foreign limit, people will just be discouraged to use the youth system, especially newcomers since it will be much quicker to build up a decent team that way,

Re: Transfer market and work permits

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It surely adds a level of complexity to the game, which can be good or bad. It doesn't seem to add any intrinsic benefit to the game, so the complexity is just a nuisance.
It is poorly explained, sounding like a bunch of hocus-pocus. It sounds like they knew they shouldn't increase the limit for foreigners but were pressured to do so by the big teams and big countries who benefit the most from being able to take key players away from the smaller countries. Evidently six countries have healthy markets and plenty of cash, and will be able to take the key players from the other 97 countries. That's good for MZ's biggest customers. That's bad for 97 countries.
The red text at the bottom sounds ominous -- forced to spend your money the new way or get expelled from the game.
Looks to me like the game is heading toward a six-country game rather than a world-wide game. I may just put my players on the market so other US managers can get them before the big countries do, and find better things to do with my time.

Re: Transfer market and work permits

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All the red text says is that if a team is inactive they will lose all their money. Also if you are like myself in England or like Omar in the US you can actually have more foreigners. Together with being able to get into the higher leagues (and earn more money) quicker than for example Sweden, it does have its advantages. Two reasons I have youth, first to add them to my first team if and when they get good enough and secondly to sell them if they don't make the grade. I have just sold one of my ex youth for just short of 1 million GBP. I intend to buy a decent foreigner with the cash. Imo its your loss if you don't have youths but each to their own.

Re: Transfer market and work permits

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It would be nice to have the ability to change names of dual nationality players if a local manager decides to do so.

Re: Transfer market and work permits

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Personally for me its great. I have 9m saved up and once i get rid of 30+ USELESS players I can then build a nice team.

Youth ACADEMY will always be important to me. Next season I will be restarting my academicals

Re: Transfer market and work permits

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I think in general it's a good idea. Like omar said, it adds another thing for managers to think about and I don't believe it will negatively effect the game too much, although it could put some people off training youths to begin with. The only thing I think could have improved it was to have a 3rd region like in football, as countries such as Wales and some with even smaller markets are in the same region as Denmark and Norway and the difference between the teams from region A is only 1 foreigner.

Re: Transfer market and work permits

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Tbh England has a far bigger market than Wales and Scotland. Yet is classed as the same. That's a bit strange.

Re: Transfer market and work permits

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That's because there are only 2 transfer regions. England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland are in the region where the transfer market is either slow or inactive which they are.
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