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03-06-2024 05:55
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 63
Online: 4 080


Hockey » English » ManagerZone talk

Coaching staff

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im really interested to see, what does your coaching staff consist off since im interested to see what coaches i should look to hire, train all my players and still keep it cheap.

what are your suggestions?
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Re: Coaching staff

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My staff consists of:

9 Class B coaches, all with 9 pucks in the skill they are training. 7 of them have a salary of $6,000 USD or less (one costs $6,310, another $7,340 - the last one is my power coach, 9 puck power coaches are close to impossible to acquire, so I haven't been able to replace him with a cheaper one). These coaches train my seniors.

5 Class C coaches, all with 7 pucks in the skill they are training (power/shooting/checking/keeping/stamina). These guys cost me between $2,930 and $3,700 USD per week. These train my youths.

I've built up this staff for as long as the new coach system has been out, so well over a year. It takes a long time bidding on new coaches (and firing the old) to get them this cheap. Since I rely on training my own players as opposed to transfers I've put a lot of thought into what coaches would give me the best training value for money, and I think this setup is close to perfect.

For 14 coaches my weekly costs are $71,179 USD.

Re: Coaching staff

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nice thanks for your input, really appreciate considering the forum is dead
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