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02-06-2024 01:53
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 62
Online: 6 722


Football » English » Suggestions/Improvements

category 16s (!!!!!!!!!!)

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Suggestion by @fernandap

Have you ever wondered if instead of reaching 16 seasons, youth teams began to arrive in teams with 14 seasons. .
Because a few years ago I played a game called Gamegol and that's where young people came at 14 years old and at 18 they were already well trained.
And then, in your opinion, it would be that if our youth players came with 14 seasons instead of 16, it would be better or worse. Would they be better in terms of balls when they turned 19?
An under 16 category could be opened and the sale could be made earlier, at 17, even to improve the competition of the under 18s and make the game more competitive and diversified.
The market is getting more and more inflated and has fewer players at the top tier, hurting the competition and excluding most players, making the game more and more predictable and uninteresting.
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