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02-06-2024 01:26
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 62
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Football » English » Suggestions/Improvements

Add vote counter for suggestions

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I feel like within this Forum (Suggestions/Improvements) if there was a counter for how many people agree on the suggestions, this could have a positive response on the MZ community.

It seems like suggestions get missed or we don't hear an update, making people suggest the same ideas months or even years later.

For example, you can have stages in this process.

1. You could set a mandatory target of 100 'agree' votes on a suggestion, which will result in the creators or the powers at be to give a response on the suggestion.
2. A response is then given to the voters in that forum, via a notification post.
3.1 If declined by creators, then that would be it.
3.2 If undecided by creators - more information will be given within 2 weeks of the undecided vote.
3.3 If accepted - a wider message will be sent to ALL ManagerZone users on the suggestions and how they look to implement the new feature (timeframe, scale etc...)
4. Once we get to a conclusion, shut down the vote count and put a note in the post (this matter has been resolved) or something along those lines and maybe send another notification about what suggestion was rejected and why?

I mean, this is just a rough idea that I think could help the MZ community get more clarity on the improvements coming to the game and if our suggestions are actually being listened to.

I'm happy to hear your thoughts, what do you think?
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Ri: Add vote counter for suggestions

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LiquidFeedback anyone?

Re: Add vote counter for suggestions

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What's the point of it? There's been soon many good suggestions in the last 10 years and even really tiny things that can be fixed easy and nothing.

If only it was like a petition where if you get so many suggestions crew actually has to come out in favour or against it and explain why. That would be the day wouldn't it

Re: Add vote counter for suggestions

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chucky06 wrote:
What's the point of it? There's been soon many good suggestions in the last 10 years and even really tiny things that can be fixed easy and nothing.

If only it was like a petition where if you get so many suggestions crew actually has to come out in favour or against it and explain why. That would be the day wouldn't it

I think the point would be transparency and accountability. At this point I see more and more great users leaving this game and I can only imagine because when they log back in every week, every month, every year. NOTHING has changed. But football most definitely has.

It gets tiring hearing nothing from the owners.

I'm not saying my suggestion is bulletproof, but some type of system where we hear from the creators on the thousands of suggestions that have been made but we hear nothing about.

Re: Add vote counter for suggestions

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I think you hit the nail in the head though. You're under the impression the game makers care

Re: Add vote counter for suggestions

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Re: Add vote counter for suggestions

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chucky06 wrote:
I think you hit the nail in the head though. You're under the impression the game makers care

I mean... why keep ManagerZone running if you don't even care to make it good?

If that's the case, WHAT THE ACTUAL... HECK MAN?

Re: Add vote counter for suggestions

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The vote counter should add the pluses and the minuses.
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