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02-06-2024 02:02
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 62
Online: 6 722


Football » English » Suggestions/Improvements

home and away fixtures in cups

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i have a good suggestion here, and im hoping everyone will agree with me.

so, i think we should have a 'Home' and 'Away' fixture rule in Cups. i feel this is important bcoz - i think everyone will agree that the SIM has its own flaws and many teams get 'simmed' a number of times. and once you get simmed in a cup, you're as good as out. so, this is a huge injustice to some good managers who otherwise had a good chance of winning it/making it to the finals.

so, what i propose is - make a home and away fixture rule, so that even if a chap gets simmed once, the SIM still has another shot to redeem its mistakes (the 'simming'). and i do not think a guy will get simmed 2 times (very rare, u know).

now, i do understand that the addition of 2 fixtures (home and away) instead of the currently-existing 1 fixture will take up additional time (tho i dont think thats compulsory...the rules could be made such that both matches will be played either in a day or on the next day), and so i propose that we keep this 'home and away' fixture thing restricted only to the Round of 16 Stage. this is coz, firstly, i hurts the most when u get so far and then get simmed lol. and secondly, having home and away fixtures for matches right from round one will be a pain in the...u know what :P for the Crew too maybe. and it will be time consuming too, given the mammoth amount of cups that go on throughout a season.

for those who get simmed before the round of 16...well, they can only curse their stars lol. and if u see, this is how it is in real life too. u have home and away fixtures in UEFA etc etc competitions too. and so here it is all the more needed, given that the SIM doesnt always get its maths right (no offence meant, but each thing has its own flaws which cant be helped).

what do y'all think ?
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