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02-06-2024 03:06
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please do read and consider

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I have something important and big to suggest here. And even tho its really long, I request anyone who visits this post to please take out the time to read this and not ignore it. thanking the reader(s) in advance.

before I begin, I’d like to state that my opinions originate from whatever knowledge I’ve acquired during my 1-2 months stint as a NCA. so, it may so happen that I may get my facts wrong about a particular topic/aspect. in case of that, it would be great to have someone correct me (quickly, if possible).

Also, since I’m not a very experienced manager and hence do not know much about past developments (in the game) , it may also so happen that what I’m going to suggest may have already been suggested by somebody else and his/her suggestion already having got rejected for whatsoever reasons. In case of that, again, it would be nice to have someone tell me why it got rejected. I’ll begin now.

ok, let’s begin. in short, I’d suggest having more international events for National Teams. Now, let me elaborate on – 1) what exactly I mean by that, 2) why am I suggesting that, and 3) how I think it should be done.

1)What I mean – well, as of now, and if im not wrong, a NC has a 6 month term spanning over 2 MZ seasons. In these 2 seasons, 1 season is dedicated to a U21 Event (Euro/Confed OR World Cup), and the other to a Senior Team Event (again Euro/Confed OR World Cup).

So, a manager, during his stint as NC, will get to manage his country in 2 events (in his 2 seasons NC tenure), - one U21 and the other Seniors (with both events being different..for eg if he gets U21 Confed/Euro, then he’ll get Seniors’ World Cup).

so, every season there is one main ‘International Event’, and in 2 seasons (a NC’s tenure), there are 2 events, as said above.said all of this just to be sure im on the right page as all others (if I was wrong anywhere, again, please do correct me immediately). now, what I’d like is to insert another Cup in here. which cup ? well, a regional/continental (call it whatever u want) cup.

2)Why I am suggesting that – there are quite a few reasons here.

firstly, it will avoid ‘wastage’ of players and talent. by that I mean – well, every season a U21 player goes ‘waste’ since there’s no U21 Cup when he turns 21. For eg – the season’s just started and I have a player who’s currently 20 yrs old. And this season the main international event is U21 Confed/Euro Cup.

now, lets say my player’s got good potential, but he needs to gain a few more balls to be an excellent player. he’ll gain those badly-needed balls by the time he’s 21. But, sadly, there’s no U21 event when he’ll turn 21 coz the U21 event was conducted this time and next season there’s only Seniors Event.

isn’t that a pure and sad waste of talent ? even worse, in countries like mine (and many others) where active managers are very few, it’s gets painstakingly tough to even gather an averagely good starting 11. bcoz, what if most of our (us active managers) players just turned 22 ? then it will be some time before our players turn 20-21 again. So then, who will play in the U21 NT until then ? almost nobody.

Also, it so happens (a majority of times) that a team hardly produces 2-3 good (good enough for U21 NT) players. and if only 3-4 of us are active, then we’re hardly in a position to even gather an averagely good NT. and I’m not speaking for only my country. This has to be the case with many countries facing similar problems (less active managers). so, a new cup will compensate countries like ours in a huge way.

secondly, it will be interesting,exciting and ‘fair’. A regional cup will build new regional rivalries and make the game more interesting.

thirdly, it will be beneficial to ManagerZone in terms of user activity and income from PTs.

this is how – well, its related to the second reason. as I said, a new ‘regional’ cup will make NT Events all the more exciting, interesting and fair. this is because it will lead to new regional rivalries and intense competition.

look, lets get one thing right here. there is something called regional dominance/pride, and EVERYONE will want to be known as the best in a particular region. NTs like Canada, Australia, USA (NCs of these countries, please take no offence), mine and many others cannot achieve much in the current International Cups/Events.

we have to be content (in fact even happy) in just qualifying from our respective groups. an excellent performance for us would be getting till the QFs. these generally ‘low standards’ are sadly the best we can hope for. this is due to the presence of much better teams (due to much better number of active managers) like Argentina, Brazil, Sweden, Poland, etc.

so, the introduction of regional cups will give NTs like ours a chance to atleast have some regional pride (and accomplishments), if not international. As I said, regional dominance/pride is something every country’s managers would want. Also, since countries like ours know we cannot do much in International Cups/Events, we’ll atleast focus on and put in tremendous efforts towards regional glory.

And this will INADVERTENTLY ALSO lead to better performance in International Events. also, with regional pride and glory at stake, in my opinion many managers who’ve left this game due to ‘boredom’ (including quite a few Indian managers) will want to come back. After all, who doesn’t want a shot at achieving cup victories (and glory) for their country ?

it’s a matter of pride for both the NC and his country. And since we cannot do that in International Events, we will do it here. and as I said, renewed focus aimed at achieving regional glory will inadvertently improve a team’s performance in World Cups (and other International events), which will in turn make these events all the more interesting, intense, lively and unpredictable.

and as mentioned above, this will be beneficial to the game (Crew) too coz such a regional cup will lead to more managers from countries like South Korea, the others mentioned above and mine taking renewed interest in the game and trying for NC roles. and an NC role first requires CMship, which will also economically help the Crew (tho I’ll agree not on a large scale).

also, let me be brutally honest here. today, most NC roles in Asian countries atleast are just a mere ‘formality’ . I mean, it’s like a NC is selected to just fill up the NC spot. No aim/ambition of the NC. Not his/her fault too, since other countries are far better. so, at best the aim is to SOMEHOW qualify from the group and be content with getting kicked out by heavyweights in the next round.

With the introduction of a regional cup, the NC post in such countries will have a value/worth like it currently has in countries like Argentina, Sweden, Brazil etc. and as I said, since its now possible to win atleast something (and is thus a matter of pride and prestige for both the manager and his/her country), more managers will vie for the NC post, and that means an increase in the number of CMs. After all, who doesn’t want a ‘Personal Achievement’ cup on his team page, even if its just a regional cup ?

3)How I think it should be done – one thing’s clear here. such a regional cup SIMPLY CANNOT have the same value/importance as the current Confeds/Euro and World Cups. because if its given the same value/worth, then it will be immensely unfair to the top countries who perform so well in international events.

so, what I suggest is this – lets make a 2 ‘Tier (or whatever u wanna call it) System’ . like say, ‘Tier 1’ and ‘Tier 2’ Cups. Tier 1 will include the WC and Confed/Euro. Tier 2 can include the regional cups.

So, a Tier 1 Cup is more worthy/valuable/important compared to a Tier 2 Cup, a Tier 2 Cup more valuable than a Tier 3, and so on (there wont be any Tier 3 cup lol, but just an giving an example).

one important thing here. I do know that the Confed/Euro Cup is, in a way, a regional cup. all teams from Europe fight it out for the Euro while all non-European teams fight it out for the Confed cup.

but, what im suggesting is something more ‘smaller/simpler’. I know it will mean a drastically lesser number of teams per Cup, but again, as I said, we’re not going to accord a great amount of importance to a Tier 2 cup, are we ? so, why not have a Tier 2 cup involving continents ?

or maybe u could further break that (continents) down (bcoz most Europeans wont find any difference between the Euro and a regional cup, since both are the same for them lol).

Why not have a tier 2 cup with a with groupings like – 1) Eastern Europe , 2) Western Europe, 3) the Middle East, 4) The Americas (sorry Canada and USA, but u’ll still have to face the likes of Argentina and Brazil lol, since only North America has too few active countries to make a Cup) , 5) Asia and Australia (since im sure the Aussies aren’t gonna want to and cant play alone lol, given that NZ isn’t active in MZ) . and if the Middle East’s too small, they could join the other Asian countries group.

Now, in this scenario, so many countries have a chance to win a Cup. in Asia, teams like India, Singapore, Malaysia etc can all try and pose a tough challenge to the otherwise-dominant Chinese. And since there are now few tough teams whom you need to beat to win, more managers will want to be NCs and take a shot at a Cup victory for their country. And this will make the game more interesting and active.

and aha, I forgot to add when this cup should be held. Well, it should be conducted during the other major International Events. like say, if the WC (Seniors) is to take place this season, then the U21 format of the regional should take place alongside the WC. this will ensure that no players are wasted.

and if anyone thinks that 2 cups at a time will be too hectic for a NC, then I’d like to add that he has a NCA too. The NCAs shouldn’t be treated as mere namesake posts. In fact, with the introduction of a regional cup, the NCAs can actively help with tactics (in countries where they currently ‘cant’) for the regional cup matches. This will help the NC too in easing his task.

and,again, if anyone wants to say ‘But NCs may not be comfortable with NCAs setting tactics, even if its for a regional cup match’, then I must ask – WHY appoint a NCA in the first place ? do it all by yourself then. One fine day I saw a comment in a forum post where some manager said NCs are sometimes not comfortable with NCAs doing some tasks like setting tactics, adding players etc. well, then why appoint them ? a NC should appoint a NCA only when he knows the NCA will obey him and his instructions. If a NC appoints and then doubts his NCA’s ‘instruction following ablities’, then its simply ludicrous lol.

please do let me know your views on this. and for all those who took out their time to read this, thank you once again for giving your invaluable time.

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Re: please do read and consider

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"and as mentioned above, this will be beneficial to the game (Crew) too coz such a regional cup will lead to more managers from countries like South Korea, the others mentioned above and mine taking renewed interest in the game and trying for NC roles. and an NC role first requires CMship, which will also economically help the Crew (tho I’ll agree not on a large scale)."

Your above statement needs some clarification. NC positions are not dependent on CM only requirements. The rule states:
To be eligible, a manager must either have been a Club Member who has played the game more than 1 month, or a Supporter who has played for more than 6 months.

In regards to adding additional competitions, such as, regionals as you proposed, I feel this would dilute the value and importance of the National Team cups. The cups are the:
World Cup--open to all countries.
European Championship--open to European countries...then at the same time the Confederations Cup--open to all non-European countries.
These competitions are not easy, and is not intended to be easy...but it is not impossible for small countries to do well. I don't know for sure but it seems like I remember champions from at least the small countries of Croatia and Greece.

"and,again, if anyone wants to say ‘But NCs may not be comfortable with NCAs setting tactics, even if its for a regional cup match’, then I must ask – WHY appoint a NCA in the first place ? do it all by yourself then. One fine day I saw a comment in a forum post where some manager said NCs are sometimes not comfortable with NCAs doing some tasks like setting tactics, adding players etc. well, then why appoint them ? a NC should appoint a NCA only when he knows the NCA will obey him and his instructions. If a NC appoints and then doubts his NCA’s ‘instruction following ablities’, then its simply ludicrous lol."

There has been many discussions regarding giving NCAs more tools...even some discussions to have separate elections of NC positions for Senior and U21 National Teams, and it seems most NCs are content with the way things are.

Every NC handles their position differently, and it is their prerogative to manage the team how they see fit. They also suffer the consequences of their actions that might influence the next election if they decide to run again. I am not sure but I feel many NCs share the responsibility with their NCAs...some will even give the NCA complete control of one of the teams Senior or U21 with player selection and tactics...even though the NCA doesn't have the tool to set tactics, the NC will set the tactic however the NCA wants (this is not hard to do).

Re: please do read and consider

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I'm quite positive that in hockey the NCA can set a tactic. the only problem is they are unable to choose which tactic is being used in a game.

Re: please do read and consider

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I agree

Re: please do read and consider

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I liked the idea, you have my support.
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