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02-06-2024 05:26
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 62
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Tactical Considerations - Wings

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Hello managers! I'm really struggling to find the best tactic for my players. I've tried different variations but haven't yet found the one that will give me the best results and help my players showcase their full potential.

As I have three promising wingers, I am considering a wing-based tactic. However, I would also like to find a position for my special player who has been with my club since his youth days. He is still focusing on improving his aerial passing skills, making him a potential great center playmaker. I am unsure if he would fit into a wing tactic and if having too many players in the center field would be a concern.



I was thinking about the below tactic.

or alternatively, I could place this playmaker near the main header-striker but I'm afraid that his low heading will be not good for this position. I'm also not sure if in that configuration I should only keep one winger, or perhaps with two?

The last question is about two defensive midfielders in wing tactic. Is it better to place here 2 players with "8" in aerial passing, pi, speed, stamina, but "9" in tackling, or the 2 players with superior "9" ratings in speed/stamina, pi, aerial passing, but only "7" in tackling? What would be your choice if you were to have such a dilemma?

I would be grateful for your feedback and advice. Was it better to sell some players, or is there a chance to include all of them in some tactic? Do any of my tactic consideration seem right. Perhaps someone could recommend some solutions that worked in their team. Thank you in advance for any support, managers! :)
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Re: Tactical Considerations - Wings

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Seems like images don't work.
Ahmet Orhan Perk

Age: 25

Gustaw Rydzyk

Age: 28

Speed: 8
Stamina: 9
Play IntelligencePI
Play Intelligence: 9
Passing: 5
Shooting: 3
Heading: 2
Keeping: 1
Ball ControlBC
Ball Control: 9
Tackling: 7
Aerial PassingAP
Aerial Passing: 10
Set PlaysSP
Set Plays: 0
Experience: 10
Form: 9
Total Skill Balls    63
Korhan Akmanoğlu

Age: 25

Klement Ledochowski

Age: 27


Re: Tactical Considerations - Wings

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The extreme players look good.
The player who has to head the ball is missing balls, at least 8 or 9 balls.

I don't like the tactic

I hope it helps you
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