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02-06-2024 04:09
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 62
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Infinitie Warfare Vs Battlefield 1

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So, anyone watched the two trailers? I'm pumped for the next Battlefield title after what I saw last night! Looks insane, but I expected just that from DICE. Infinitie Warfare on the other hand looks like they finished it in 2010 and they're just building new COD games every 4-6 months, sticking them on a shelf and releasing them yearly. The likes vs Dislikes on both trailer videos speak for themselves really.

For me, Battlefield 1 (Battlefield won!) is going to mop up this year and after they copped some stick for mocking the COD trailer, must be sat there pretty smug right now whilst Infinity Ward must feel distraught. I can't wait! My revival here is under threat!
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Vs: Infinitie Warfare Vs Battlefield 1

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When i was younger, i played COD MW, MW2 and MW3 so much and i loved COD but now i hate Call of Duty because they are, just like you said, making new cod every 4-6 months and i hate them because now they make futuristic games. What has happened to COD?

Re: Infinitie Warfare Vs Battlefield 1

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CoD is awful now, played it for 8 years and they're getting worse and worse. Last 3 installments I've given up on by Christmas. Total scam artists including remastered CoD4 with the new one, 80 quid for it plus a coaster, not great value for a game I've essentially days and days played on. DICE have stepped up to the plate, but they'll have to sort their launch this time around. BF4 was literally unplayable for the first 3 months, and the netcode has never really been 100%... that can't happen again. Hole in the market for a good shooter.

Slightly of topic, "next gen" has been very underwhelming. From someone who's played consoles since the age I could hold a pad I've never been less interested in gaming. BF4 is about the only thing I've played on and off since xbone came out. 300 buckeroo netflix player. Utter shite. Uncharted 4 looks great but of course PS exclusive and I'm not switchin just for that.
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