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02-06-2024 03:22
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 62
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Football » English » ManagerZone talk

Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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I'm trying this way as Support has been speechless throughout the day.

Today, as I've been doing for years, I tried to buy some tokens using my credit card until I realized that you guys changed the provider and are now working with some folks called Terminal3/Paymentwall or whatever.

It took me about 5 times to get this kind of error:

"We were unable to process your request due to technical issues. Please try again later.
\"No fue posible de autorizar su tarjeta." (translated: it was not possible to authorise your card)

After 5 times, I finally got charged, my bank sent me a mobile phone push-notification informing the approval of the transaction, and then the most incredible thing happened:

I receive an e-mail from Terminal3/Paymentwall or whatever the name of this terrible service is, in which they need (in order to approve a 600 ARS payment = 0.6 USD) a copy of my passport, and a copy of my credit card, front and back. Yep, I'm not kidding. They pretend I send them documents as sensitive as my passport and my CC through e-mail, without any kind of encrypting nor taking any measure to keep my privacy safe. And for the outstanding amount of 0.6 USD (!!!).

Managerzone is a European company, and therefore, it has to comply with GDPR. Therefore, MZ providers also have to be compliant with GDPR. Pretending an end-user to submit extremely sensitive information through e-mail is not very GDPR-compliant, don't you think so?

Thanks and please fix this mess.
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Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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Can you please raise a ticket on Payments? To do this please use "Payments" category from the drop-down menu of the web form.

If you already did this, please get in contact with me internally (in-game chat) and provide the ticket ID to have a look at it.


Best regards

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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Also another issue that will literally impact hundreds of users, the new webstore reset prices & currency & payments options, I'm not getting the UK options in GBP anymore, I get US Dollars with US options which also means I would have to pay currency conversion fees and correct me if I'm wrong but there will probably be VAT issues too if the Country is set incorrectly, I have friends that moved back to Argentina and they have the same issue and if it's not resolved they just can't continue playing as they can't afford USA prices in US Dollars.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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darkline wrote:
Also another issue that will literally impact hundreds of users, the new webstore reset prices & currency & payments options, I'm not getting the UK options in GBP anymore, I get US Dollars with US options which also means I would have to pay currency conversion fees and correct me if I'm wrong but there will probably be VAT issues too if the Country is set incorrectly, I have friends that moved back to Argentina and they have the same issue and if it's not resolved they just can't continue playing as they can't afford USA prices in US Dollars.

i have the same problem...
"Your ticket request (#153432) has been updated".

I have not received a solution...I will not be able to complete the bonus,eventos.. being a top team I have high expenses, I asked for a quick solution, to know if I continue or throw away 21 years of playing...

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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Btw the "event bundle" is only $0.60 USD in Argentina???? It's $7.99 USD in USA!!

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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darkline wrote:
Also another issue that will literally impact hundreds of users, the new webstore reset prices & currency & payments options, I'm not getting the UK options in GBP anymore, I get US Dollars with US options which also means I would have to pay currency conversion fees and correct me if I'm wrong but there will probably be VAT issues too if the Country is set incorrectly, I have friends that moved back to Argentina and they have the same issue and if it's not resolved they just can't continue playing as they can't afford USA prices in US Dollars.


Yes, we are aware of that change.

Best regards

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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mikelony wrote:

Yes, we are aware of that change.

Best regards

Interesting you have replied to this but not my thread

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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Argentinian users pay £0.47 for event pack
English users pay £5.99 for the same pack

how is this fair?

It is also restricting how much the English can train their players. Argentinians can just pay their way to get all the training packs. While in the UK we have to pay loads or just accept a couple of training packs. This is completely unfair.

It leaves players from other countries at distinct disadvantage in world leagues, cups etc

Then there is the international teams, one country has cheaper access to better training chips than all the rest. How is that fair???

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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hooper14 wrote:
Argentinian users pay £0.47 for event pack
English users pay £5.99 for the same pack

how is this fair?

It is also restricting how much the English can train their players. Argentinians can just pay their way to get all the training packs. While in the UK we have to pay loads or just accept a couple of training packs. This is completely unfair.

Well is like I said, it's literally 10 times cheaper so I would have to pay a minimum of $300 USD a year just to buy CM, participate on all events & WL while someone in Argentina just pays $30 USD... I mean $30 is nothing in England or in Argentina, is not like people in Argentina earn 10 times less than other Countries and like I mentioned before, is not Argentina only but there are a few select Countries with cheap tokens too.

I'm not saying raise the price in this Countries, I'm saying lower the prices worldwide to something fair, 550 tokens in Argentina cost $12.00, if I have to buy the same thing it would cost me $129.00 USD which is ridiculous, something more fair would be 550 tokens for $35 USD? Not completely fair as I would still be paying 3 times the cost but at least is reasonable? Because paying $129 for something that you sell for $12 is not reasonable no matter how you look at it.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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hooper14 wrote:
Argentinian users pay £0.47 for event pack
English users pay £5.99 for the same pack

how is this fair?

It is also restricting how much the English can train their players. Argentinians can just pay their way to get all the training packs. While in the UK we have to pay loads or just accept a couple of training packs. This is completely unfair.

It leaves players from other countries at distinct disadvantage in world leagues, cups etc

Then there is the international teams, one country has cheaper access to better training chips than all the rest. How is that fair???

Yes, I agree that prices are unbalanced now. There are several reasons for this:
1. We have raised prices in Argentina, but not fast enough. The extreme inflation rate has been too fast lately.
2. Argentinians often needs to pay 100% or more in fees, on top of the listed price (banks, government etc).
3. The country is not as rich as for instance UK.

But with all that said, we will raise the price in Argentina to make it more balanced.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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thunderexpress wrote:
Yes, I agree that prices are unbalanced now. There are several reasons for this:
1. We have raised prices in Argentina, but not fast enough. The extreme inflation rate has been too fast lately.
2. Argentinians often needs to pay 100% or more in fees, on top of the listed price (banks, government etc).
3. The country is not as rich as for instance UK.

But with all that said, we will raise the price in Argentina to make it more balanced.

thank you for your response. I do understand about their inflation.

What about all the other countries that are cheaper than the UK? Will you be looking at levelling the playing field across the board?

For instance Poland pay $3.69 USD, Turkey $ 2.53 USD, Brazil $2.49 USD Sweden $6.44 USD for 25 tokens

While in the UK it is $7.68 for 25 tokens. It is very unfair.

I am especially surprised that prices differ across EU countries.

What level will you bring Argentinian prices up to? Brazil? Turkey? Poland?

I do believe you need to adjust the prices for all countries so it is a level playing field for all.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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Yes, we will look at UK as well. Should be in the same range as Sweden. The difference between UK and Sweden mostly because of FX rate changes.

We want Argentina to be in the same range as Brazil. But we might need to do it in several steps.

Thanks for your input!

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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hooper14 wrote:
For instance Poland pay $3.69 USD

As I already mentioned before that's actually against EU Law, I didn't want to dwell into this before but truth be told I'm aware of this law because I actually lodged a complain while I was living in Spain against a travel company way back around 2017, what happened is that I tried to book an all-inclusive Hotel at the Canary Islands, I was going to book with my spanish CC and got one price, changed my mind and decided to use my UK card and price increased by about 20%, that really pissed me off so lodged a complain and ended up booking an airbnb.

Here's the law again and this time I'll include an example from the same website I quoted before

Price discrimination

As an EU national or resident you can't be charged a higher price when buying products or services in the EU just because of your nationality or country of residence.

When you buy goods online in the EU, prices may vary from country to country or across different versions of the same website, for example due to differences in delivery costs. However, if you buy goods online without cross-border delivery – such as when you buy something online which you intend to collect from a trader or shop yourself – you should have access to the same prices and special offers as buyers living in that EU country. You cannot be charged more or prevented from buying something just because you live in another country.

The same rules apply when you buy services provided at the trader's premises, for example when you buy entry tickets for an amusement park, book a hotel, rent a car, or when you buy electronically supplied services (such as cloud services or website hosting), you are entitled to have access to the same prices as local buyers.

Here's a case example from the official website of the EU

Sample story
You can't be charged more just because of your country of residence

Hilda from Denmark wanted to book a hire car in Spain for her summer holidays. She chose the car she wanted to book on the website of a Spanish car rental company. However, when she entered her address to finalise the reservation, she saw that the total price for her car rental increased by EUR 140.

Hilda contacted her local European Consumer Centre to complain about this price discrimination. They helped her introduce a formal complaint, highlighting the discriminatory pricing on the car rental company's website. As the car company failed to comply with EU rules, they may be fined by the competent national authority.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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And truth be told, I don't mind if Argentina has virtually free tokens, what I want is Polish prices for all.....

Prices should be between a reasonable range, no Country should pay more than twice the price paid on your cheapest Country, let alone 10 times the price.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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hooper14 wrote:
For instance Poland pay $3.69 USD, Turkey $ 2.53 USD, Brazil $2.49 USD Sweden $6.44 USD for 25 tokens

So this is what I mean about a reasonable range, lets take Argentina out of the equation.

If the cheaperst Country is Brazil and they pay $2.50 USD, then no Country should pay more than twice that price, so $5.00 is still expensive, more expensive than Poland but reasonable.... though as mentioned, Poland can't have a different price as all EU Countries should have the same price which is a separate issue.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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thunderexpress wrote:
Yes, we will look at UK as well. Should be in the same range as Sweden. The difference between UK and Sweden mostly because of FX rate changes.

We want Argentina to be in the same range as Brazil. But we might need to do it in several steps.

Thanks for your input!

That is fair enough. However I do think darkline is correct with this statement

darkline wrote:

Prices should be between a reasonable range, no Country should pay more than twice the price paid on your cheapest Country

I think the game needs a hard cap such as this so it is fair on every player in every country. I know it is a tricky balance you have to find but it is completely out of kilter and unfair as it stands which you have acknowledged.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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Has anyone else experienced this:

I’ve now twice got the below message trying to buy tokens:

‘Processing Transaction
This transaction is currently being processed and may take 5-10 minutes, please be patient’

First time it failed after 5 mins, second time completed in a similar time.

Never experienced a transaction requiring that long in any online transaction, really odd if that’s the required wait to process - made me a bit dubious of the portal to be honest > but eventually worked.

In principle I agree with the graded pricing (the game should be equi-accessible to all). However, also agree with the thread that the UK prices are too high to compete in world leagues etc now. We’re experiencing some of the highest inflation rates in Europe so the current country richness equation doesn’t really work I’m afraid. We’ve only really got two competitive levels of division left with users leaving

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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Unfortunately, Argentina is going through a very bad time, the average salary in dollars of the vast majority is about 150-300 dollars per month, some others can reach 500-800, but the average is 300, therefore if they were to rise Too much prices would lose the vast majority of users from my point of view, it is already difficult to pay these current prices, let alone pay more than now.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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maxwellsmart81 wrote:
Unfortunately, Argentina is going through a very bad time, the average salary in dollars of the vast majority is about 150-300 dollars per month, some others can reach 500-800, but the average is 300, therefore if they were to rise Too much prices would lose the vast majority of users from my point of view, it is already difficult to pay these current prices, let alone pay more than now.

Yes, we understand that a lot of countries struggling right now, but apart from what's been discussed above there are also fees that are added on our end. To give you some perspective, during the christmas event, we actually lost(!) money on packages that was bought in Argentina (due to added fees on the already very low prices).
I am trying to be as transparent as possible to give you our perspective. In the best of worlds we would have the game free for all, and I am the first to say that we could have made some other choices during the 20+ years that the game has been running (although we have made some good decisions as well, otherwise we wouldn't be here today).

Our aim is not to squeeze out the last penny from our Managers, but I understand the frustration from other countries with the current situation.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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thunderexpress wrote:
To give you some perspective, during the christmas event, we actually lost(!) money on packages that was bought in Argentina (due to added fees on the already very low prices).

I was wondering about that when the OP mentioned that he was trying to process a $0.60 payment with a credit card, there's usually a flat fee for processing a payment + a percentile + currency conversion fees + sometimes a fee for processing foreign currency so I'm not sure if MZ will actually see something out of those $0.60 at all...

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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maxwellsmart81 wrote:
Unfortunately, Argentina is going through a very bad time, the average salary in dollars of the vast majority is about 150-300 dollars per month, some others can reach 500-800, but the average is 300, therefore if they were to rise Too much prices would lose the vast majority of users from my point of view, it is already difficult to pay these current prices, let alone pay more than now.

Well according to the newspaper, you need to earn $1000 USD to be considered middle class in Argentina,

Below that you're considered to be poor, less than $700 USD a month for a family and you're considered indigent , if you're earning $300/$500 USD a month then your main concern should be buying food instead of tokens, if you're buying tokens instead of food then MZ will be making you a favour by raising the prices so you can expend your money in what's really important.

I know the situation in Argentina is tough and there is an economic crisis, but let's be a bit realistic too.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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Btw, I'm not pushing for a price increase in Argentina, if MZ wants to do it or not it doesn't affect me or anyone else outside of Argentina, what I'd like to see is more realistic prices on Countries like USA/England/Canada/etc. as I believe that will be beneficial for the game as it will help keep the users we have and possibly grow our communities if tokens are more reasonably priced.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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I just trie 4 times to buy PT with Paypal.
It doesn't work anymore. Is there a new procedure?
I tried with laptop and also with phone, same fail result.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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sabiutza wrote:
I just trie 4 times to buy PT with Paypal.
It doesn't work anymore. Is there a new procedure?
I tried with laptop and also with phone, same fail result.

Can you please send an image of the error message to


Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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alellera wrote:

I'm trying this way as Support has been speechless throughout the day.

Today, as I've been doing for years, I tried to buy some tokens using my credit card until I realized that you guys changed the provider and are now working with some folks called Terminal3/Paymentwall or whatever.

It took me about 5 times to get this kind of error:

"We were unable to process your request due to technical issues. Please try again later.
"No fue posible de autorizar su tarjeta." (translated: it was not possible to authorise your card)

After 5 times, I finally got charged, my bank sent me a mobile phone push-notification informing the approval of the transaction, and then the most incredible thing happened:

I receive an e-mail from Terminal3/Paymentwall or whatever the name of this terrible service is, in which they need (in order to approve a 600 ARS payment = 0.6 USD) a copy of my passport, and a copy of my credit card, front and back. Yep, I'm not kidding. They pretend I send them documents as sensitive as my passport and my CC through e-mail, without any kind of encrypting nor taking any measure to keep my privacy safe. And for the outstanding amount of 0.6 USD (!!!).

Managerzone is a European company, and therefore, it has to comply with GDPR. Therefore, MZ providers also have to be compliant with GDPR. Pretending an end-user to submit extremely sensitive information through e-mail is not very GDPR-compliant, don't you think so?

Thanks and please fix this mess.

I have the same issue. My account is on Hold. I had changed email with them, they said that they are understanding my concerns...... BUT untill I am not giving my ID and copy of the CC or DC my account will be Suspended. So I can`t use the paying system, not for a Card, or for Paypal it is sending me to this Terminal 3 again, and again, where I am suspended.
I am not going to give away my ID, and my CC or DC picture, with or without CVV. I really dont think that this is legal.
So I can`t pay anymore anything in MZ.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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Why would a simple payment processing company need all that information just to process a credit card or paypal payment? It doesn't make any sense, I buy loads of shit online and if they need to verify anything, it's my bank that sends me a text message to enter a code or aprove it with an app, I mean.... the payment processor process payments and it's up to the bank to verify it's you if they have doubts.

Hope this can be resolved soon or maybe it's time to find a new payment processing company as this one doesn't seem to be doing the job.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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thunderexpress wrote:
Can you please send an image of the error message to



I just solved my problem. My bank made some kind of limit acces for Paypal. I unblocked it and it's working now.


Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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darkline wrote:
Btw, I'm not pushing for a price increase in Argentina, if MZ wants to do it or not it doesn't affect me or anyone else outside of Argentina, what I'd like to see is more realistic prices on Countries like USA/England/Canada/etc. as I believe that will be beneficial for the game as it will help keep the users we have and possibly grow our communities if tokens are more reasonably priced.

I'm from Argentina and let me say that the price is not cheap. Yo have to think that a normal person receives for a normal job around 500usd per month, les in some cases.
What is a normal salary in other countries? What are the poverty levels?
If you consider that in your country is high, you should try to obtain a discount for your country, but pls don't push up to increase our price

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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bracaturugol wrote:
I'm from Argentina and let me say that the price is not cheap. Yo have to think that a normal person receives for a normal job around 500usd per month, les in some cases.
What is a normal salary in other countries? What are the poverty levels?
If you consider that in your country is high, you should try to obtain a discount for your country, but pls don't push up to increase our price

Ermmmm.... I'll quote the post you're replying to in response to your post...

darkline wrote:
Btw, I'm not pushing for a price increase in Argentina, if MZ wants to do it or not it doesn't affect me or anyone else outside of Argentina, what I'd like to see is more realistic prices on Countries like USA/England/Canada/etc. as I believe that will be beneficial for the game as it will help keep the users we have and possibly grow our communities if tokens are more reasonably priced.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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bracaturugol wrote:
Yo have to think that a normal person receives for a normal job around 500usd per month, les in some cases.
What is a normal salary in other countries? What are the poverty levels?

So just because you asked this question I'll give you reply, let's take for example Venezuela and compare it to Argentina

550 tokens in Argentina cost $12 USD
550 tokens in Venezuela cost $70 USD

Would you say Venezuela is that much "richer" than Argentina that is justified that they have to pay almost 6 times the cost of Argentina?

I'm not pushing for a price raise in Argentina, I'm pushing for a rebalancing in which no Country would have to pay more than double of what the cheapest Country pay, if they want to keep Argentina at $12 USD for 550 tokens and let me buy the same amount of tokens for $24 USD I'll be more than happy, heck at $24 USD for 550 tokens even if I'm not actively playing atm, I'll be buying tokens just to help the game and create loads of free leagues for everyone.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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darkline wrote:
So just because you asked this question I'll give you reply, let's take for example Venezuela and compare it to Argentina

550 tokens in Argentina cost $12 USD
550 tokens in Venezuela cost $70 USD

Would you say Venezuela is that much "richer" than Argentina that is justified that they have to pay almost 6 times the cost of Argentina?

I'm not pushing for a price raise in Argentina, I'm pushing for a rebalancing in which no Country would have to pay more than double of what the cheapest Country pay, if they want to keep Argentina at $12 USD for 550 tokens and let me buy the same amount of tokens for $24 USD I'll be more than happy, heck at $24 USD for 550 tokens even if I'm not actively playing atm, I'll be buying tokens just to help the game and create loads of free leagues for everyone.

You should push for a discount in the countries that you consider the price is high. Nothing else

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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bracaturugol wrote:
You should push for a discount in the countries that you consider the price is high. Nothing else

Well, that's exactly what I'm pushing for, no Country should pay more than double the price of the cheapest Countries, since the cheapest Country is Argentina at $12 USD for 550 tokens, then the most expensive shouldn't be more than $24 USD for 550 tokens.

It doesn't matter to me who pays the cheapest tokens, price should be capped at 2X the cheapest value, it should be a range, if the cheapest is 30 USD for 550 tokens, then value should be capped at $60 USD, if it's 50 USD then cap it at $100 USD, if it's $12 USD as it currently is then value should be capped at $24 USD, with a price cap the lower the price on the cheapest Country the better for all.

Why should anyone pay 6 times more the cheapest value like they do in Venezuela or 10 times like we do in most of the Countries in the world?

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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doesnt work, so i wont be shopping.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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Going back to the original issue, I read some threads on reddit about terminal3 (paymentwall) the new payment provider and unfortunately it seems it's going to be a big problem for MZ, they have two crucial issues IMO, one is that they seem to be unable to verify/process certain credit/debit cards so many people is forced into opening/using a paypal account instead, the other one is that they seem to restrict accounts for no reason and eventually they will ask for a photo proof of your ID/Passport/Credit Card/etc. from most users and some people will refuse to go through this verification process just to buy tokens.

Hopefully MZ will be able to change providers and is not locked into some sort of long term contract with this company.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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Haha if they ask for photo ID it will be a huge problem as I passed my car and HGV in tests in the 80's when there was no such thing as photo ID on your license's and as I have never had an accident or received any points Ive had no reason to update my licenses, so that's One form of ID that's no good.

As for the passport I don't have one and wont ever need another one, last time i went abroad was again in the 80's, the sea was full of human feces and put me off for good. Only go to Wales these days around the Snowdonia National Park, Glorious place so no need to go anywhere else again.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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hooterman wrote:
Haha if they ask for photo ID it will be a huge problem as I passed my car and HGV in tests in the 80's when there was no such thing as photo ID on your license's and as I have never had an accident or received any points Ive had no reason to update my licenses, so that's One form of ID that's no good.

As for the passport I don't have one and wont ever need another one, last time i went abroad was again in the 80's, the sea was full of human feces and put me off for good. Only go to Wales these days around the Snowdonia National Park, Glorious place so no need to go anywhere else again.

Crazy that the paper driver licenses are still valid, but I can't imagine not having a passport as I couldn't live without traveling at least once every 2/3 months, just come from a weekend on Iceland and leaving for Fuerteventura tomorrow.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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darkline wrote:
Crazy that the paper driver licenses are still valid, but I can't imagine not having a passport as I couldn't live without traveling at least once every 2/3 months, just come from a weekend on Iceland and leaving for Fuerteventura tomorrow.

Yup still valid here in England, until an accident, points or you loose it, oh and when I turn 70 I will need to update my license then or if I just wish to update it under my own volition.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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hooterman wrote:
Haha if they ask for photo ID it will be a huge problem as I passed my car and HGV in tests in the 80's when there was no such thing as photo ID on your license's and as I have never had an accident or received any points Ive had no reason to update my licenses, so that's One form of ID that's no good.

Don't you have to renew your driving licence every 10 years?

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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hooper14 wrote:
Don't you have to renew your driving licence every 10 years?

Normally yes, although mine is every 3 years as I have a medical one, the joys of being diabetic and having laser treatment for retinopathy.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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hooper14 wrote:
Don't you have to renew your driving licence every 10 years?

Nope, nobody does if they have the old pink paper one from the 80's as long as they keep a clean license no points and undamaged ect we dont have too apply for the new photocard license.

Reason for the renewal of the photocard one every 10 years is exactly that, the photo, as you will have changed a little in 10 years so need a new one by law.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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ashleyhughes wrote:
Normally yes, although mine is every 3 years as I have a medical one, the joys of being diabetic and having laser treatment for retinopathy.

Damn, I bet that becomes annoying and when you have health issues even more so

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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If you are asked to send in ID or similar, please contact payment support and we can help you get whitelisted.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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thunderexpress wrote:
Yes, we will look at UK as well. Should be in the same range as Sweden. The difference between UK and Sweden mostly because of FX rate changes.

We want Argentina to be in the same range as Brazil. But we might need to do it in several steps.

Thanks for your input!

Hi thunderexpress, any update on this?

Ant: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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thunderexpress wrote:
Yes, we will look at UK as well. Should be in the same range as Sweden. The difference between UK and Sweden mostly because of FX rate changes.

We want Argentina to be in the same range as Brazil. But we might need to do it in several steps.

Thanks for your input!

You could use the Big Mac index to determine your prices.

Re: Issues with the new "Web Shop"

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Terminal 3 needs to be changed because it's bad for business. I've had a smooth shopping experience until they arrived on the scene.
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