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02-06-2024 04:27
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Crew - Sim Updates

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As a paying customer I need to ask you if we are going to see any SIM updates at the end of this season? or are any Sim updates planned for the future, if so have you got a time-line for these updates and when can we expect to see them?

I remember reading in the game notifications 7/8 season ago maybe even longer that Sim updates were on there way, what happened to these updates? as I've noticed no change in the SIM since I began playing the game in 2010.

Any answers to the questions above will be happily received.
Regards hooterman.
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Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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Sim won't get updates, many reasons but at the moment the game is just pasive income for the owners, to develop a new SIM you need to invest money and they won't, is as simple as that.

The 2nd reason is that even if they had the money they probably still won't do it because as a crew member said, everytime they changed the SIM they lost users, that is probably true but there was a time in which they were implementing a new SIM every 2/3 seasons and that messed up with manager's long term plans, so there's that too.... of course, after not releasing a new SIM since 2010 now is a totally different situation, I'm sure a new SIM will bring users back to the game and make people spend more tokens trying tactics & playing more games, but they probably don't see it like that.

As for a response from crew, doubt you get one but it'll be great to be proven wrong and have a crew member give us a timeline for releasing a new SIM.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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Thanks for the info darkline its much appreciated and I think your spot on with all your points although they are all nearly reassuringly negative.I can understand why crew wont update the SIM (losing users) but they also need to understand without SIM updates managers will also walk away and are walking away, as nothing has changed for 13 years.

Ive 1 more season left in me, only SIM updates will keep me interested and spending money to buy tokens. There is nothing left to learn from the current SIM and its mainly rinse and repeat every season. Ok I've been pretty successful with the way I play the game I've won many cups and titles but it is not stopping me from losing interest, and I just cant justify paying £300+ a year anymore when they is no SIM updates to keep me fully active (13 bloody years, Jesus Christ Ive almost gone bald during that time lol).

Now its almost time to scale back and switch to just u18's and almost drop into hibernation plus cut right back on money spent probably as low as £10 or lower a season.

Shame the game has lost its appeal for me, the drive has well and truly drove off.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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i think darkline's comments were spot on. This game has around 7k paying subscribers. With an average monthly spend of $20 it generates aprox. $140k per month. That's not enough money to further invest in the game knowing software engineering is really expensive and it's very hard to compete in today's gaming industry. So probably the owners are happy to just maintain the game and get this limited revenue for as long as it lasts. I dont think the game resonates anymore with the new generations so the user base will only drop going forward.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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You all seem to be saying MZ is basically a dying duck. Are there similar games out there?

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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malc_1000 wrote:
You all seem to be saying MZ is basically a dying duck. Are there similar games out there?

If you want to try other football manager games there are lots of them, you can use google to find them, some are awful, some are decent and some are pretty good, it really depends on your personal taste and what you're looking for in a manager game.

Now if you're relatively new to MZ I'd say stick with MZ and see if you like it, the lack of updates on the game engine shouldn't matter to you, MZ still is one of the oldest football manager games, there are still plenty of active managers and it's a fun game, the problem is some of us have been stuck with the same SIM for 10 years already and without a new SIM is like being stuck playing FIFA 2010, no matter how good FIFA 10 was you will eventually get tired if you keep playing the same game for 13 years...

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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The Silence from crew tells me everything I need to know about the future of this game. I'm Currently looking for a online football manager type game, If anyone knows of a good one drop me a PM...Cheers.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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hooterman wrote:
The Silence from crew tells me everything I need to know about the future of this game. I'm Currently looking for a online football manager type game, If anyone knows of a good one drop me a PM...Cheers.

There is no game like this in the internet and free.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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ruisimoes wrote:
There is no game like this in the internet and free.

Yeh I hear you, other games update there SIMS this one doesn't.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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hooterman wrote:
Yeh I hear you, other games update there SIMS this one doesn't.

What others games? Theres no exist other games like this. Tell me one? U cant.

And the CREW already said why they dont update the SIM.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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I used to play Hat-trick and played it for 15 years, left in 2020 and from what I can recall they were always tinkering with the SIM and it used to have over 1 million members at its peak. I'm sure they will be online games much better than this game and free, even if they aren't Football games and trying something different is maybe what I need.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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ruisimoes wrote:
What others games? CREW already said why they dont update the SIM.

Where have they said this? Can you post me the link please.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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hooterman wrote:
Where have they said this? Can you post me the link please.

Unfortunately, I can't show u the topic cause i cant find it. But a few months ago i talked to some people connected to the MZ team and they said, the game lost a lot of users in 2010 (i think) when they did the last update, so to not lose more users they stop update.
And i know the MZ is dying a few years go , with less and less users.

Idk if this is true but its what i know.

hooterman wrote:
I used to play Hat-trick and played it for 15 years, left in 2020 and from what I can recall they were always tinkering with the SIM and it used to have over 1 million members at its peak. I'm sure they will be online games much better than this game and free, even if they aren't Football games and trying something different is maybe what I need.

This game is text/2d/3d based game. I think Hattick its only text based, or in maximum is 2d based to but idk. So its much more easier to programming a SIM on a text based game then a 3D based game, there is no comparison. Even the game Football Manager, that's paid, the 3d SIM is very poor.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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And as much as I don't like SIM, I think this way... SIM is the same for everyone.
And it happens, for example, several times that I lose games that I didn't deserve to lose, but I accept it. I do my best, today I lose, tomorrow I win.

And I know we could have more tactical varieties or playing styles more balanced, but this SIM is what we have at the moment. What can we do?

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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ruisimoes wrote:
And as much as I don't like SIM, I think this way... SIM is the same for everyone.
And it happens, for example, several times that I lose games that I didn't deserve to lose, but I accept it. I do my best, today I lose, tomorrow I win.

There are lot of flaws in that reasoning, SIM should be a lot more stable so you get rewarded for having the stronger team and better tactics, at least 95% of the time, but regardless of that fact the problem is that if you've been playing 15 years with this SIM it gets boring because there is nothing new to do, no new tactics to try as everything has been tried and discovered already and I can go on and on with training, scouts and many changes that made the game easier and less challenging.

hooterman wrote:
Where have they said this? Can you post me the link please.

They didn't say that, they said something that they have to be very careful before implementing a new SIM yadayada and it's all excuses, yes they did screw up in 2010 when they were releasing a new SIM almost every season and that's because the changes were brutal, one season you'd have a short passing SIM, the next a long ball SIM, on one heading was irrelevant and on the next one is the most important skill for strikers and so on... so that affected the market, player's value, team strenght and this game is a long term game, you train your players for the SIM so that was a bit brutal, specially considering training players took longer.

Of course, if they managed to create a balanced SIM that used all the skills and in which short and wings tactics were equally strong (and maybe even fix long balls), then the frequent changes of the SIM wouldn't matter.

So basically, back in the day when they had money they said they were going to work on a new SIM but they will only release a beta when they were sure it's good.... then that changed to "oh, we don't want to release a new SIM cos our managers enjoy playing the same exact game for 15 years and if we change we might lose a few" which is just an excuse, almost everyday I see people on the spanish forum posting something like "I've not played in 5 years, what's new, etc." and when they see it's the same ol' SIM they just leave dissapointed, sometimes they play a few weeks? It's a shame, they need to grab those returning managers but they won't without a new SIM and they'll keep losing old ones.

Beantwortet: Crew - Sim Updates

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If you could at least refresh the menu, that would be a good step forward. I don't really believe that the SIM will get an update either. But you could at least expand the tactics, like other manager games do. That would be a start.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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Lads sim is not the real problem, i always thought so but since some time i found other problem which i think matters...

The real problem is the team similarity even between top league and div3 in some countries. The 1-10 scale in skills is a joke and with all the financial updates we had in last 5-10 years it makes the game so easy to play therefore we all have similar teams and there is very little between them. Similar teams = more wierd results etc.

Word has it sim wasnt changed since many years but I can see the ''sim'' difference between 2015/2016 years compare it to today... Back then we all had differ teams not any more! Youth potential tool made it even easier to train and play this game. As long as the skill scale is ONLY 1-10 and it won't be changed to a wider range then wierd result will happen all the time.

I remember when motor skills matterd a lot having 9/9 in speed and stamina was very important and made the difference. Now old player with 10 on experience play the same or better, you have to wait for a young player to hit at least 28-29 to start playing on a high level because of his low experience...

It's too easy now to have good players and this ruined the game and results. You can spent all your time training good youths etc, and other manager will keep buying old players from market and I asure you, he will have a good result against you. Sim is the problem obviously but not the no.1 problem now. Game is not lead properly...

Results are randomised really that high that my average team can beat team from Polish top league and then lose to div4 from the same country. There is something wrong...

Beside the sim I think league/friendly results are way different than cup/friendly leagues.

Sometimes you can have two identical teams with identical tactics and result in the league will be completely different than in the cup. Happened once to my rival who left the game after losing to the team 1-5 in the league when he beat him 6-2 in national cup with the same tactics etc... Completly RANDOM!

There is too many factors now, but people only think it's the sim only, i have to say i tought the same for years before I realised other small things that matters a lot.

- Skill range 1-10
- Experience level balls overcoming the ''real skills''
- Youth potential tool
- Very little difference between teams will support random sim results.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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lukaszsz182 wrote:
Lads sim is not the real problem, i always thought so but since some time i found other problem which i think matters...

The real problem is the team similarity even between top league and div3 in some countries. The 1-10 scale in skills is a joke and with all the financial updates we had in last 5-10 years it makes the game so easy to play therefore we all have similar teams and there is very little between them. Similar teams = more wierd results etc.

I said that a 100 times, everytime crew simplified the game (faster training + fast training chips + tinder youth scouting) I complained about it but my complains went to deaf ears and users were happy as most of them can't see the bigger picture, which is if training is faster & easier, that's for everyone the same and with players that have only 9 trainable usable skills, that means almost everyone will end up with similar players and the gap between top teams & average teams is going to be smaller, that pretty much kills the progression on the game as you're not really rewarded for putting the time & effort to build a top team and specially with the way this SIM is built.

Is not easy to fix this mess to be honest, we need slower training + harder youths scouting as it was before but that will temporarily unbalance the market and also I image some users will start crying their players train too slow, so knowing how crew thinks this is a non-starter.

So without changing the SIM something that could be done is to add trainable skills, probably can't add new skills without a new SIM but I have a solution for that, we have some untrainable skills that are already implemented and part of the SIM, that is experience + 2 hidden skills (think it's 2?), so change the name of experience to something else and make it a trainable skill that will still act the same, then make the hidden skills visible, put an approppiate name for them and make them trainable, maybe adjust the weight of them if needed and there you go.... out of nowhere you have at least 3 news skills that managers will need to train, that will users something new to investigate and discuss and also will make the teams a bit more different.

And just for the record, before someone mentions that hidden skills don't exist, there is a thread were a crew member already said they do.... can't remember how many or if he mentioned that to be honest but it's at least two for sure.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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The training that we had before was ideal, it was great to train player not knowing his future. Now we all train 4/2 most of the times, in the previous training era we judged player on his starter balls, if he was louded we kept him, now if you see he has loads of balls already but his training is 2/1 or 2/2 we exchange him. Game is too simple, nothing between teams now. I just lost the 3rd place match against team which I should defeat easily, in the group I won easily against opponents that were x3 strogner than him. This is enoying, all the efforts in the cup performance and it's down to 1 wierd match.

In Ireland so many managers left, some of them were long playing legends, if this trend will continue soon only big countries will play this game. I play it only because I started it when I was 17 and it reminds me of the good times, but this mz has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the old mz, it's like two different games now...

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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And I tell you more, ONLY really good, and hard working managers understand the current situations. The managers that lets be honest were weak and never any successes they benefit from it, and for them it's nothing wrong. This sim/results are only hitting the strongest not the weak ones !

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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lukaszsz182 wrote:
And I tell you more, ONLY really good, and hard working managers understand the current situations. The managers that lets be honest were weak and never any successes they benefit from it, and for them it's nothing wrong. This sim/results are only hitting the strongest not the weak ones !

That is unfortunately true, which is the reason many top managers just left the game recently as the game is just not rewarding as it was in the past.

Odp: Crew - Sim Updates

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Not sure I would agree with making training slower.. it would slow down the overall experience of the game which is already pretty slow for new players.

I would honestly love to see experience removed from the game as it's miserable to see 23-24 years old players with 6-7 experience being close to worthless in senior games. By using chips you could have a well-trained 22 yo playing in your senior starting squad... but experience is too important.

As it comes to SIM updates, I'm game for it. I'd even sacrifice 3D if that's the issue.

I doubt we will even hear from CREW regarding this anyway... there are a few topics (larger bench or foreign number of players) on suggestions/improvements forums with multiple active users asking to review it.. and nothing was done so far. Not even a simple post to wait or anything...

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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darkline wrote:
That is unfortunately true, which is the reason many top managers just left the game recently as the game is just not rewarding as it was in the past.

Ye, back in the day I was thinking how high the score would be if I was playing rival who is 3 times weaker, now I'm not confident against anyone, maybe if you play against u18 team :D

About the experience, agree too ! The young players cost fortune and you have to wait until they hit 28-29years of age to use all his skill balls properly :)

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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Unfortunately MZ is Dogs on the old marketing matrix. Crew need to do something to change this. I have a feeling there is no desire for change. So MZ will slowly rot and die

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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Both game played today, very similar tactics and... This draw in the league will probably cost me the title at the end.. I can only add that in the 2-2 game he had 4 shots and scored 2 goals...

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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lukaszsz182 wrote:
Both game played today, very similar tactics and... This draw in the league will probably cost me the title at the end.. I can only add that in the 2-2 game he had 4 shots and scored 2 goals...

We have to understand that their right back is much better than their left back 😂

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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lukaszsz182 wrote:
Both game played today, very similar tactics and... This draw in the league will probably cost me the title at the end.. I can only add that in the 2-2 game he had 4 shots and scored 2 goals...

Well that's the handicap you get assigned at the start of each different competition, just to explain it easily let's assign a numerical strenght value to each team, let's say yours is 70 and your oppenent is 50, now on each competition you get a positive or negative handicap that can range from 1 to 10, so on the "Irish Elite Cup" your handicap is +5 and your opponent is +10, in this case your team value is 70+5=75 and your opponent 50+10=60 so even if both got a positive value there's a considerable strenght difference.

Now lets say one the official league you got a -5 and your opponent a +10 again, that means your team is 70-5=65 and your opponent is 50+10=60... your team is still stronger but not by much so a draw or even losing is a posibility.

This is a theory I come up with, nothing official, doesn't have to work exactly as I explained but after watching so many games since 2006 I'm pretty sure is close enough, it explains why you can play scout matches, win 10 games and then play the official game and lose by a few goals, that's because there's no handicap on scout games, many managers see this and think the SIM for the league is different than other competitions (heard that one many times), is the same ol' SIM but the handicap you get is varies from competition to competition, that's the reason sometimes on a cup your team underperforms or overperforms and if you play enough and pay enough attention you should have notice this behaviour.

Then of course you will have some random results, but when you feel the SIM is against you on the league....... well, you're probably right, the SIM is against you because you have a negative handicap.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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This could be true, and also I realised that place in the table matters a lot. I was 1st in the league before this match and he was 3rd so sim could think the teams are actually similar :D I'm used to this results, nothing will surprise me again in the scores. There is two ways, you either accept that or not and leave the game, simple as :)

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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Great example of the games biggest problem:

Just had a game vs wings.

Shots on the goal 29-3 and ...

lost the game 2-3!

Opponent had a 100% conversion rate against an international level 10 ball keeper.

What’s the point in having multiple tactic options if one is so imbalanced.

No wonder there’s an issue attracting new users to MZ, it’s become really 1 dimensional.

I love the game, but it does make you question the point sometimes.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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Yup the conversion rate for wing teams is set too high compared to Short passing, Its why wing teams are more successful than Short Passing teams. Take the World league U21 I'm in, I'm the only SP team in the division the rest are all Wing teams with a hybrid or 2. The other divisions mainly down too div2 level are mostly the same, full of wings teams and the same go for u23 WL's as well.

The Tactics used in a lot of those WL's leagues don't lie, check the Leagues yourself to witness the Imbalance the Proof is very visible in those leagues and is there for all too see. I wish too carry on playing SP and I have no desire for playing wings, Everything should be equal but plainly it is not, Will things change no they will not.

I have lost all confidence In Crew regarding the SIM, if its a case of put and shut up (which it clearly is )or leave the game, Im leaning towards the latter option and its the way I'm heading.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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Well it's not really like that, the main advantage of wings is you can be competive with an inferior team as the requirements are lower, but when you have a top team that can play both, you have to alternate wings with short passing tactics as depending of the tactic scheme you use, a short passing tactic will have the advantage.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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By lower requirements I mean if you play short passing you need 10 good field players, if you play wings you can be competitive just by having a good winger, one or two good strikers with heading and you can get away with having some average to complete your team and you still can be competitive against better teams... this changes when both teams have 10 good field players as then you have to use a mix of short & wing tactics and also have some preset tactics & rules to switch between the different approaches.

So in a jist:

Crappy wing team vs good wing team could be an even game
Crappy wing team vs crappy short passing team advantage to wings.
Crappy wing team vs good short passing advantage to short passing if tactic is good.
Good wings vs good short passing team - advantage to sp with the correct tactics.

webregas wrote:
Great example of the games biggest problem:

Just had a game vs wings.

Shots on the goal 29-3 and ...

lost the game 2-3!

Opponent had a 100% conversion rate against an international level 10 ball keeper.

What’s the point in having multiple tactic options if one is so imbalanced.

No wonder there’s an issue attracting new users to MZ, it’s become really 1 dimensional.

I love the game, but it does make you question the point sometimes.

When you get a conversion rate like that is just bad luck really, you got simmed but don't think this happened due to your opponent using wings.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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I cannot agree with good wing vs good SP tactic and advantage to SP even with a tactic that should work. Its hardly ever the case in fact. Good wings nearly always wins against a good SP side from my own experience and Ive been around the block a lot playing against good wing teams as a Id like to think my u21 Sp side is pretty decent.

I get results sure but against those beasts that have roughly the same value or above as my team, I'll get a freak result win about 1 in 5 or even less with what i think is the correct tactic and works really well against lower valued teams.

Look at the World leagues u21 and u23 those tops divisions are nearly all filled with good Wing teams and show me the good SP teams you can count them on 1 hand for the premiers and Divs1 leagues. It just shows that the good Wing is the dominant force even when meeting good SP teams, its so obvious to see.

The numbers don't lie, Id get the actual number of SP teams in those leagues if i didn't think my brain would fry doing it but i bet there isn't 6 full SP teams out of those 48 teams that play just SP only. There are alot of good SP sides at u21 level that struggle to break into the div1 leagues never mind the premier and its all down to wings being the stronger tactic and not SP being the stronger when playing each other or not.

Ive spoken to quite a few Wing managers who have won NE titles and others from different parts of world and they all say the same thing when i ask why they play wings, Wings gets you titles cups trophies quicker than when using SP because its just a stronger and better tactic to use.

God Ive nearly gone blind typing that lot, so its time to rest up.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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Just need add, it's just 100% SP teams that I mean and not hybrid teams that struggle with the monsters at the top.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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From my own experience I see that I can beat anyone using my wing but also lose to way weaker team who uses wing! But if I play short pass against the weak team that uses wing I will always win. When we play wing vs wing it could go any way.

It works better if you play short pass against weaker team who uses wing, because if you play wing against him it could end up losing points.

For instance I played a lad from my clan when I used short pass against his wing i won easily having like 25-5 shorts on target. Then I used my wing against him which I know i have much better winger etc the game ended as draw.

So short pass against weaker teams
Wing play aginst stronger

I think this is how it works now..But we all know this simulator sometimes logic is equal to nothing :)

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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I was talking about senior teams, Uxx are different because they don't have enough experience, lack PI, etc... when I talk about good players I mean players that are good enough to play short passing and wings and that would allow you to swap tactics midgame

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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At my peak I did run with seniors for several seasons but running with good u21 and good u23 players at the same time put my wage bill over 500k a week, So I binned the seniors and I'll be honest it was the best thing i ever did. So I don't really have an opinion on senior wing teams vs senior SP teams, its always seniors vs my u23's which hardly even ends well unless there weak.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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Darkline - can you give me an example of a top level competitive SP team?

I’ve only ever ran SP seniors and with half the England national team in my squad last few seasons (won the English prem) couldn’t get anywhere near similar level wings sides (world league div3).

I’m no expert but have played around with back 5s/4s etc and at very best you scrape a result where you limit a wings sides shots to under 10. Even then they probably still score.

That’s with an elite 10sp/10st + 9 heading centre back to counter.

I wish it were true but there is a glass ceiling for SP sides in this game.

I’ve made peace with that but I think it’s unhelpful feedback to crew/ other users to suggest it can be achieved through better SP tactics.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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Heres another 2 games that suffered bad luck supposedly. Its not back luck its a conversion rate issue, Ive seen is so many times It sticks out like a sore thumb.

2 premier teams in the fed challenge. Tactics look perfect to counter the Wing team but....conversion rate effect takes place again.

First game is 24/7 chances split lost 3-1 SP vs Wing.
Second game is 25/10 chance split lost 3-2 SP vs Wing.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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webregas wrote:
Darkline - can you give me an example of a top level competitive SP team

Well don't forget that many teams start the game with one tactic and then swap tactics, I managed the USA NT with Flaco for many seasons and we used short passing to beat stronger rivals more than once, but we also might start wings and swap to SP as the game progresses.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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hooterman wrote:
Heres another 2 games that suffered bad luck supposedly. Its not back luck its a conversion rate issue, Ive seen is so many times It sticks out like a sore thumb.

2 premier teams in the fed challenge. Tactics look perfect to counter the Wing team but....conversion rate effect takes place again.

First game is 24/7 chances split lost 3-1 SP vs Wing.
Second game is 25/10 chance split lost 3-2 SP vs Wing.

Yes, this is the problem, wings scores 1 in 3 or 1 in 2 shots and SP you need about 10 shots+ for a goal

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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I think the Sim will always be as is, I was surprised coming back after a decade away that is was the same as before. More modern online games certainly are better and getting money out of people and I doubt the guys that own MZ can invest the amounts needed to do that and then promote on Facebook and so on.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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jamie1976 wrote:
I think the Sim will always be as is, I was surprised coming back after a decade away that is was the same as before. More modern online games certainly are better and getting money out of people and I doubt the guys that own MZ can invest the amounts needed to do that and then promote on Facebook and so on.

I know the conundrum crew are in, update the SIM and lose users quickly, don't update the SIM and lose users slowly over time as users get bored with the same ole same ole SIM.

Only way the the SIM may get an upgrade is if MZ is sold and the buyers get with the times like 2024 times, advertise a lot all over the web and attract new users over time and prices change for the more expensive to something more affordable, as things stand crew are staring straight into an black hole from whence there is no escape.

The potential for the game is there, just needs someone with a deep wallet to take that step towards change. The current regime wont, so like you sat Jaime we are stuck where we are with little hope for change.

But I will try my best to cling to hope like a lost fart in the wind, but that wind is real gusty and my hope is dwindling.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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hooterman wrote:
I know the conundrum crew are in, update the SIM and lose users quickly, don't update the SIM and lose users slowly over time as users get bored with the same ole same ole SIM.

Honestly? That might have been true 7/8 years ago, but this days people that are still playing MZ are hardcore MZ fanatics and I doubt changing the SIM will make you lose many users, I think there are many more that will come back if there's a change on the SIM and they get some sort of email marketing campaign to let everyone on their database that there is a new SIM... also, I've seen so many people come back asking what's new just to get told that after 10 years we're still playing the same SIM & tactics and leave again, surely many of them will stay if they see the game has been updated.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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I mean if there's no money for a new SIM, then there's no money, but not changing the SIM out of fear of losing managers? That's the sort of mentality that's killing the game, they need to take some risks and stop being afraid of changing.

And they might not have the money to build a new SIM, but surely they can tweak many different parameters so the game plays differently as they did with the multiple beta versions over 15 years ago when they set on the current version.

Beantwortet: Crew - Sim Updates

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darkline wrote:
I mean if there's no money for a new SIM, then there's no money, but not changing the SIM out of fear of losing managers? That's the sort of mentality that's killing the game, they need to take some risks and stop being afraid of changing.

And they might not have the money to build a new SIM, but surely they can tweak many different parameters so the game plays differently as they did with the multiple beta versions over 15 years ago when they set on the current version.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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darkline wrote:
Honestly? That might have been true 7/8 years ago, but this days people that are still playing MZ are hardcore MZ fanatics and I doubt changing the SIM will make you lose many users, I think there are many more that will come back if there's a change on the SIM and they get some sort of email marketing campaign to let everyone on their database that there is a new SIM... also, I've seen so many people come back asking what's new just to get told that after 10 years we're still playing the same SIM & tactics and leave again, surely many of them will stay if they see the game has been updated.

Yup I still think users will walk if the SIm is updated, those that use wings as a tactic are the mostly likely to walk away if its tinkered with.. Building a great wing team takes time if you run with seniors and all Uxx's teams, and for it just to be taken over night by a change in the SIM well managers will walk, But i could always be wrong, no one knows what will happen until it happens so it best guess.

Last time the SIm was updated in 2010 the game lost alot of users, I dont know the exact number but i was told it was much more than expected and they wont want that to happen again, I think it was a post by yourself where i got than info from. Plus I'm one of those that is crying out for a new Sim, as things stand right now Im in wind down mode. U23 team is gone Ive left the NE leagues and Ive stopped spending tokens on scout games. Im all about saving money now and its down to the SIM not been updated and being bored with the current one.

BTW England has received a whopping 40p off the price of 25 tokens and £2 off 550 tokens, its a start but that wont bring in any new users that will stay and buy membership and tokens. So yes Crew are afraid too make big changes.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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Old price vs current...
£5.99 to £5.59 for 25 tokens
£96.99 to £94.99 for 550 tokens.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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hooterman wrote:
Yup I still think users will walk if the SIm is updated, those that use wings as a tactic are the mostly likely to walk away if its tinkered with.. Building a great wing team takes time if you run with seniors and all Uxx's teams, and for it just to be taken over night by a change in the SIM well managers will walk, But i could always be wrong, no one knows what will happen until it happens so it best guess.

Last time the SIm was updated in 2010 the game lost alot of users, I dont know the exact number but i was told it was much more than expected and they wont want that to happen again, I think it was a post by yourself where i got than info from. Plus I'm one of those that is crying out for a new Sim, as things stand right now Im in wind down mode. U23 team is gone Ive left the NE leagues and Ive stopped spending tokens on scout games. Im all about saving money now and its down to the SIM not been updated and being bored with the current one..

Back on 2010 we had users to lose and the screwup they made is changing the SIM every few months, so it was frustrating because as soon as you started building a team for the new SIM they would just change it again, it was also a totally different userbase as we got a major influx of new managers in 2006/2007, many of the managers that left the game didn't have much attachment to the game as they've been playing maybe 2/3 years?

Situation now is totally different, the majority of the users in the game are people that have been playing for at least 10 years or people that used to play long ago and came back to check the game (and them usually get bored and leave again), I'm not sure how many really new users that never played the game before are currently playing but I don't think it's more than 10% of the current userbase, many people like you or myself are just on maintainance mode expending as little as possible or nothing at all or they just abandon the game due to boredom as there's really nothing to be excited about.

I'm sure an update on the SIM will at least have people expending more money on tokens to experiment, try new tactics, etc. etc.

Re: Crew - Sim Updates

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darkline wrote:
I'm sure an update on the SIM will at least have people expending more money on tokens to experiment, try new tactics, etc. etc.

I'll look in the toilet tomorrow, see if i can find my 'hope' that I flushed away at the start of the season, I might be able to clean it up and re-install it if the above ever happens, I just hope I don't end up polishing a turd.

Odp: Crew - Sim Updates

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hooterman wrote:
Yup I still think users will walk if the SIm is updated, those that use wings as a tactic are the mostly likely to walk away if its tinkered with.. Building a great wing team takes time if you run with seniors and all Uxx's teams, and for it just to be taken over night by a change in the SIM well managers will walk, But i could always be wrong, no one knows what will happen until it happens so it best guess.

Changing a SIM is not something that will happen overnight. I doubt people are gonna leave if it's done correctly. This should be widely announced 3-4 seasons before so people got time to prepare. Then they can decide whether they do the final push with the team they have or cut the losses. At least that would be my approach.

Updating the SIM would be beneficial as numbers from gaming industry show one thing. The core people will stay anyway, but the ones on the verge of leaving may give it another chance just to try it out. New update should make some people return to the game.

As it comes to totally new players, I'm not sure MZ is crafted for this.
Nowadays people are used to other gaming experience and I doubt games as MZ would takeover.

To sum up, it's worthing giving a shot. Otherwise the rest of us will slowly burn out and the game is gonna last a few more years at best.
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