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02-06-2024 03:48
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 62
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Football » English » ManagerZone talk

MZ userscript to manage your own tactics

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Hello everyone.

A few months ago, I came up with a userscript to manage tactics.

I shared it on the Brazilian/Latin America forums and some people liked it, so I thought it would be interesting to share it here as well. Perhaps someone will find it useful.

This userscript basically enhances the tactics page ( with some buttons and a dropdown menu where you can store and select tactics.

Below are some gifs to illustrate it:

You can add your own tactics, and there are also other features like renaming, deleting, and updating existing tactics coordinates, among others.

The userscript can be found on this link:

Note: Tampermonkey (or a similar userscript manager) is needed in order to enjoy userscripts. You can find it here ->

After installing the userscript, if everything is working as expected, the menu will be populated with default tactics, and you can freely use or modify these, but the main purpose of this userscript is to allow you to add your own tactics.

A brief explanation of the features:

- The add button lets you add the selected tactic to the dropdown menu.
- The delete button will remove the selected tactic.
- The rename button renames the selected tactic.
- The update button updates the coordinates of a tactic (if you select one and move some players).
- The clear button clears the list of tactics.
- The reset button fetches the default list of tactics.
- The export/import button lets you download and load your tactics in json format.

Also, your tactics are stored on the browser local storage, so they will be always there unless you clear the storage yourself, start using a different browser, change devices etc.

As a bonus feature, this menu is added to the players page:

When you click on any number, it will filter players by age.
(Credits for this age filter: kostrzak16)

Well, I think that's all.

The source code is available on for anyone interested.

And some other random userscripts to enhance the mz experience can be found here in case anyone is bored and wants to take a look:

I hope you like it.

Feel free to ask any questions…

And good luck on your world leagues and official cups.
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Re: MZ userscript to manage your own tactics

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Re: MZ userscript to manage your own tactics

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Man, after I started using it, I can't do without it anymore, it helped me a lot on the team, and now also on the national team! Congratulations to the creator and may it be a tool used by everyone, which makes work much easier!
Very good indeed!

Sv: MZ userscript to manage your own tactics

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Odp: MZ userscript to manage your own tactics

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Do you plan to update it in the future if the SIM of the game changes and new tactics emerge that are not in the current script?

Re: MZ userscript to manage your own tactics

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littlejohn1983jg wrote:
Do you plan to update it in the future if the SIM of the game changes and new tactics emerge that are not in the current script?

The userscript doesn't depend on the simulator, I'm not sure what you mean. As for the other question, you can add your own tactics to the list of tactics! So, new tactics can freely emerge, you just need to save new ones.

I made a 2 min video to explain how it really works:


Odp: MZ userscript to manage your own tactics

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Is there an option for the author of the script to add new tactics to the MZ Tactics Selector that are used by managers in the top leagues of a country?

Re: MZ userscript to manage your own tactics

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kochas wrote:
Is there an option for the author of the script to add new tactics to the MZ Tactics Selector that are used by managers in the top leagues of a country?

Check the new version I released today. I included some useful links just for you ;p

But really. You can add your own tactics to that menu. You don't need to rely on the default ones. Go check some of those guides and start storing them.

Or… check top league matches for tactics, copy them, move players around (if you don't use the chinese userscript) and save the tactic. At worst you will have to do this only once.
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