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02-06-2024 04:38
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 62
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What is the game missing?

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I've always been curious to hear your thoughts on what you believe is missing in the game.

Let's imagine you had an unlimited budget for developers, artists, and more. What would be your dream additions or improvements to the game?

For me, I would love to see an upgraded sim with top-down 2D field graphics, more similar to Football Manager. Generally, I would invest in a more immersive game-watching experience. There is nothing like watching those FM curlers go in from that angle and the screen with smooth animations and actions. (Also improving sound)

Additionally, a complete overhaul of the website design to bring it into the modern era would be fantastic.

I have plenty of more ideas, but let's be dreamers for a day. Like we have been for the last 10+ years ;P
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Re: What is the game missing?

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nerve-ana wrote:
For me, I would love to see an upgraded sim with top-down 2D field graphics, more similar to Football Manager. Generally, I would invest in a more immersive game-watching experience. There is nothing like watching those FM curlers go in from that angle and the screen with smooth animations and actions. (Also improving sound)

Well that! Watching a game in FM is fun, plays are realistic, the build up to a goal usually makes sense and players don't make dumb mistakes and it also shows you don't need a top tier graphical engine as the graphics are rather basic on FM.

Also I have another idea, integrate CHAT-GPT to generate match reports which are awful at the moment. Also a cool idea would be to generate a weekly league newspaper for each league with transfer news, game analysis, etc. automatically generated with CHAP-GPT or a similar AI interface that's good enough to generate, with the current state of AI it shouldn't be too hard and will give you a more inmersive experience.

Re: What is the game missing?

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Wow, using CHAT-GPT for that is a brilliant idea, to be honest!

And I couldn't agree more, the build-up and anticipation are what really matter. Whether it's 2D graphics or simple blocks, as long as it looks smooth and realistic, it will bring that exciting feeling of watching the game and witnessing the plays unfold.

Re: What is the game missing?

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At this point I think CHAT-GPT can create a better sim engine on it's own tbh!

Ri: What is the game missing?

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I can't say what is missing in the game and is not related to the SIM. Maybe if interested, we can talk in private or discord.

Re: What is the game missing?

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I be boring but I have to say fix the sim. I understand funny scores happens in real life too. But if team A is playing team B and team A is x3 stronger, the game is not affected by any red card or by some masterpiece tactic by team B, there should not be so many random results with shots on target 28-9 and games finishing 2-2.

Talking about tactic, I would make them working again, as sometimes it looks like the tactic doesn't matter any more.

The newspaper of each league is a good idea, there could be managers writing it or something like it.

I would also bring back competetivenes to small activity countries. There is so many nations especially in hockey, where there is 3-5 active players in the country, joining them small nations as one league but keeping the National Team seperate would be a good idea...Something like MZ World A, Mz World B, etc...

And lastly I can say, maybe this will be controversial, remove the youth scout/potential tool. In all fairness this game is made completely easy, too easy, it killed a bit of fun in training. We spend more team clicking the ''exchange buttom" instead of training. Also the local markets in small nations are dead because of it, we fire players instead of putting them on the market because WE CAN SEE THE FUTURE.
It was FUN and involved a bit of risk tranining particular player not knowing that he will max at 5-6 speed or something.. Green/not maxed players had a good sale value, now no-body looks at the skills, they check the stars instead.

Re: What is the game missing?

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lukaszsz182 wrote:
I be boring but I have to say fix the sim. I understand funny scores happens in real life too. But if team A is playing team B and team A is x3 stronger, the game is not affected by any red card or by some masterpiece tactic by team B, there should not be so many random results with shots on target 28-9 and games finishing 2-2.

Talking about tactic, I would make them working again, as sometimes it looks like the tactic doesn't matter any more.

The newspaper of each league is a good idea, there could be managers writing it or something like it.

I would also bring back competetivenes to small activity countries. There is so many nations especially in hockey, where there is 3-5 active players in the country, joining them small nations as one league but keeping the National Team seperate would be a good idea...Something like MZ World A, Mz World B, etc...

And lastly I can say, maybe this will be controversial, remove the youth scout/potential tool. In all fairness this game is made completely easy, too easy, it killed a bit of fun in training. We spend more team clicking the ''exchange buttom" instead of training. Also the local markets in small nations are dead because of it, we fire players instead of putting them on the market because WE CAN SEE THE FUTURE.
It was FUN and involved a bit of risk tranining particular player not knowing that he will max at 5-6 speed or something.. Green/not maxed players had a good sale value, now no-body looks at the skills, they check the stars instead.

I hear you, really would be great to just know that more then one wing tactic also works for some good results. Or actually having multiple playing styles that can work.

In regards to youth potential tool that's an interesting perspective there. I didn't even think about that. Would be interesting!

Crazy thought here, but what if there was transfer windows?

Re: What is the game missing?

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lukaszsz182 wrote:
And lastly I can say, maybe this will be controversial, remove the youth scout/potential tool. In all fairness this game is made completely easy, too easy, it killed a bit of fun in training. We spend more team clicking the ''exchange buttom" instead of training. Also the local markets in small nations are dead because of it, we fire players instead of putting them on the market because WE CAN SEE THE FUTURE.
It was FUN and involved a bit of risk tranining particular player not knowing that he will max at 5-6 speed or something.. Green/not maxed players had a good sale value, now no-body looks at the skills, they check the stars instead.

Been saying that for a long time, one of the things I enjoyed was training players or buying crap players to train up on the market to see if I could turn a turd into a good player, I remember waiting for the training report to find maxings, coming up with training strategies and deciding when to take risks or not, that was one of the things that kept me actively playing the game despite the SIM.... but when that part of the game was killed by "tinder training" it was the last straw for me, no risks involved, training is a 100% luck and zero skills, you swap and swap and either you get a player with a good scout or you don't, after that couldn't find any motivation to keep actively playing.... still here waiting for a positive change like a new SIM, a rollback of the scout or something to make the game a bit more challenging and fun.

Re: What is the game missing?

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A list of things this game needs, badly:

1. An update to the SIM.
2. Flexibility in tactics.
3. Changes to transfer search options (including being able to search the youth scout report of a player).
4. Better in-match game reports because the current ones are, frankly, riddled with mistakes.
5. More rigorous enforcement of rules to prevent cheating and general abusive language.
6. An effective conduit of communication between Crew and the MZ community more generally as to what the future steps are intended to be.
7. Variation in "events" - can we change things up for the mid-season or end of season breaks instead of just doing friendlies or friendly leagues for a reward?

Re: What is the game missing?

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There are a lot of things but i doubt any of that would become reality on this game

Re: What is the game missing?

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darkline wrote:
Been saying that for a long time, one of the things I enjoyed was training players or buying crap players to train up on the market to see if I could turn a turd into a good player, I remember waiting for the training report to find maxings, coming up with training strategies and deciding when to take risks or not, that was one of the things that kept me actively playing the game despite the SIM.... but when that part of the game was killed by "tinder training" it was the last straw for me, no risks involved, training is a 100% luck and zero skills, you swap and swap and either you get a player with a good scout or you don't, after that couldn't find any motivation to keep actively playing.... still here waiting for a positive change like a new SIM, a rollback of the scout or something to make the game a bit more challenging and fun.

Excatly. We don't train normally any more. All you have to do is keep clicking until you find good guys with high potential on the right skills. It killed any risk which was beutifull. No training strategy is needed any more, just being lucky to find the good potential players. I remember selling keepers with 7-8 unmaxed keeping for huge price because people were hoping he would get to 10 keeping, he could block at 9 and thats it, now this risk is gone...

It's all wrong circle, before the sim was better, and guess what it's the same sim ! and why the sim changed? guess?? because all of used to have a different variety of players, now top league and div3 can have very similar players. Because of this training update. We only keep the best youths now, except the ones for Uxx leagues etc. Therefore all teams are nearly the same and it's very difficult for the simulator to deal with that, so we will get more and more random results.

Game was done to be as least as it can be for time consuming. You can literally play on the same level like others only logging in for 5 minutes a day, of course if you sort things on the start of the season etc..

Re: What is the game missing?

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lukaszsz182 wrote:

Game was done to be as least as it can be for time consuming. You can literally play on the same level like others only logging in for 5 minutes a day, of course if you sort things on the start of the season etc..

This is exactly me, game is too wild now to even care but it's just a habit to login check training move a thing or two and go on :)

Re: What is the game missing?

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nerve-ana wrote:
This is exactly me, game is too wild now to even care but it's just a habit to login check training move a thing or two and go on :)

I can say more :D If you are smart, play 1 tactic like 5-3-2 wing no need to change it because it suits all opponents nearly, then even when somebody miss logging in in 2-3 days, and have all friendlys booked (now if we want we have automatic friendlies which books itself ;D ) then you still be fine. Game is playing itself theese days :)

Re: What is the game missing?

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lukaszsz182 wrote:
I can say more :D If you are smart, play 1 tactic like 5-3-2 wing no need to change it because it suits all opponents nearly, then even when somebody miss logging in in 2-3 days, and have all friendlys booked (now if we want we have automatic friendlies which books itself ;D ) then you still be fine. Game is playing itself theese days :)

This. I play short passing, it keeps the game more interesting to me as it is harder win. But part of me is close to going f it, wings and win.

Please update the sim!
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