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02-06-2024 01:36
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 62
Online: 6 543


Football » English » ManagerZone talk

League of Federations Flawed

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I still don’t really get federations.

The concept seems a good idea for creating sub communities but they feel half hearted.


The league of federations tournament has started again with prizes for the top 5 federations. Which basically means the 5 biggest federations are rewarded for winning a proportional number of games. Encouraging users who want to win to also join the top 5-10 biggest federations. (Yawn)

Surely a better model would be rank federations based on over/ under index of results relative to the team’s taking part’s ranking.

Eg. A federation is rewarded when a team over performs relative to their ranking.

Appreciate the ranking system itself is very flawed but at least in a model like this all federation teams can make a tangible contribution. Indeed any team who over-performs vs their peers is a huge asset.

Just a thought.
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